The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft.

The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft.
atmosphere of Italy.  It was glorious spring weather; a few white clouds floated amid the blue, and the earth had an intoxicating fragrance.  Then first did I know myself for a sun-worshipper.  How had I lived so long without asking whether there was a sun in the heavens or not?  Under that radiant firmament, I could have thrown myself upon my knees in adoration.  As I walked, I found myself avoiding every strip of shadow; were it but that of a birch trunk, I felt as if it robbed me of the day’s delight.  I went bare-headed, that the golden beams might shed upon me their unstinted blessing.  That day I must have walked some thirty miles, yet I knew not fatigue.  Could I but have once more the strength which then supported me!

I had stepped into a new life.  Between the man I had been and that which I now became there was a very notable difference.  In a single day I had matured astonishingly; which means, no doubt, that I suddenly entered into conscious enjoyment of powers and sensibilities which had been developing unknown to me.  To instance only one point:  till then I had cared very little about plants and flowers, but now I found myself eagerly interested in every blossom, in every growth of the wayside.  As I walked I gathered a quantity of plants, promising myself to buy a book on the morrow and identify them all.  Nor was it a passing humour; never since have I lost my pleasure in the flowers of the field, and my desire to know them all.  My ignorance at the time of which I speak seems to me now very shameful; but I was merely in the case of ordinary people, whether living in town or country.  How many could give the familiar name of half a dozen plants plucked at random from beneath the hedge in springtime?  To me the flowers became symbolical of a great release, of a wonderful awakening.  My eyes had all at once been opened; till then I had walked in darkness, yet knew it not.

Well do I remember the rambles of that springtide.  I had a lodging in one of those outer streets of Exeter which savour more of country than of town, and every morning I set forth to make discoveries.  The weather could not have been more kindly; I felt the influences of a climate I had never known; there was a balm in the air which soothed no less than it exhilarated me.  Now inland, now seaward, I followed the windings of the Exe.  One day I wandered in rich, warm valleys, by orchards bursting into bloom, from farmhouse to farmhouse, each more beautiful than the other, and from hamlet to hamlet bowered amid dark evergreens; the next, I was on pine-clad heights, gazing over moorland brown with last year’s heather, feeling upon my face a wind from the white-flecked Channel.  So intense was my delight in the beautiful world about me that I forgot even myself; I enjoyed without retrospect or forecast; I, the egoist in grain, forgot to scrutinize my own emotions, or to trouble my happiness by comparison with others’ happier fortune.  It was a healthful time; it gave me a new lease of life, and taught me—­in so far as I was teachable—­how to make use of it.

Project Gutenberg
The Private Papers of Henry Ryecroft from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.