Military Instructors Manual eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Military Instructors Manual.

Military Instructors Manual eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 372 pages of information about Military Instructors Manual.
frame is then arranged in which dummies are slung
      on ropes passed over pullies, and so manipulated that as the man
      withdraws his bayonet from one dummy another swings at, him from
      a different direction.
   4.  As SOON AS PROFICIENCY HAS BEEN GAINED in the above exercises,
      the assault practice is taken up.
      a. A course is laid out as follows:
         (1) A fire trench about 60 yards long, well revetted.
         (2) 20 yards in front of the trench, smooth wire
         (3) 15 yards further, another trench, parallel to the first,
             60 yards long, 4 feet deep and 4 feet wide.  In this
             trench prone dummies are placed, one per yard.
         (4) 15 yards further, 60 dummies, hung on frames, parallel to
             the trenches.
         (5) 15 yards further, a hurdle 4 feet high and 60 yards
             long, parallel to the trenches.
         (6) 10 yards further, a low trip wire, stretched parallel to
             the trenches.
         (7) 10 yards further, 60 dummies, hung on frames, parallel to
             the trenches.
         (8) 15 yards further, a large trench, 60 yards long, 6 feet
             deep, 10 feet wide, containing 60 prone dummies, 1 per
      b. Procedure:
         Each platoon, in turn, enters the first trench at skirmish
             intervals, bayonets fixed.  On signal, all move out at a
             walk, guiding carefully in line on a leader previously
             designated.  After passing each obstacle, the line is again
             carefully formed.  On each of the swinging dummies one of
             the seven movements of the manual is used; a long or short
             point is used on each prone dummy.  All go down into the
             last trench together, with a good loud yell, point of the
             bayonet level with the toe, and land on the dummies in the
             bottom, stabbing as they land.  This course should be
             repeated several times at quick time, then at double time,
             and finally at a run.  Remember that in the advance the
             rifle is carried at high port.
   5.  COMBAT EXERCISES (to be used in conjunction with the assault
      a. Equipment for each man:
         Thrusting stick or other wooden rod with wooden ball or
             thick padding covering one end. (Old rifles with
             spring-bayonets are even better.)
         Baseball mask. 
         Pair of broadsword or single stick gloves.
      b. Procedure
         The class is formed in two lines of about equal numbers,
             facing each other, about fifty paces apart, with intervals
             in each line of about two paces.  A leader is designated
Project Gutenberg
Military Instructors Manual from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.