The Foundations of Japan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about The Foundations of Japan.

The Foundations of Japan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about The Foundations of Japan.

Moon 126 (2), 129, 137, 208, 275;
  Bowing to 99;
  “Moon-seeing flowers” 120;
  Moonlight on mattocks 136;
  “Waiting for the Moon” 323

Morality, see Crime, Immorality, Police;
  17, 20, 37, 50, 66, 95, 101-2, 140, 149, 152, 169, 179, 193, 203,
  206, 229, 313;
  Anglo-Saxon sense of 95;
  Moral backbone 96, 141;
  “Moral bath” 94;
  Code, Lack of, 362;
  “Distrust of each other’s morality the barrier” xii;
  Morality dependent on material well-being 118, 149;
  Quality of Eastern 95;
  “Not so bad” 149

Morimoto 349

Morioka 195-6

Morley, 14

Mosquitoes 50, 125, 143

“Mother, from the bosom of,” 301;
  Mother-in-law 121, 138

Motor bus 246;
  Launch 237

Mottoes 7, 39, 126, 135-6, 150, 158, 187, 288

Mounds 306

Mountains 70, 108, 159, 176, 390 (2), 394;
  “Mountain climbers” 320;
  Mountain maidens 110

Moxa, see Mogusa; 47, 179

M.P., see Franchise; 124, 208, 285;
  Ashes of 92;
  and farmers 92

“Mr. Temple” 7, 270

M’s, Seven, viii

Mud baths 147

Mujin 278

Mukae bon 272

Mulberry 40, 61, 147, 149, 153, 158-9 (2), 160, 264-5, 282, 287, 298,
  302, 307, 310;
  Area and Yield 153, 409;
  Paper 410;
  Proverb 153

Mulch 220

Mura xxv, 262

Murdoch, James, Japanese and, viii

Murray, Gilbert, 301

Mushrooms 110

Music 102, 116, 180, 188, 237, 328;
  Ancient 82;
  Instruments 222;
  Western 99 (2), 288

Mutton, see also Sheep; 133, 345, 347

Muzzles 269

Mysticism 99, 100, 267

“My wish is that I may perceive” 106

Naden, Constance, 203

Nagano 140, 146, 153, 262, 272, 399

Nagasaki 391

Nagoya 38, 391, 392

Naichi 334

Naked children 309;
  Nakedness 115, 125, 193;
  Child story 307

Namban 208

“Name, called by second,” 217

Namu Amida,” etc., 129

Napier, Sir W., 170

Napoleon 127, 203

Nara 222

Nasu, Mount 108

Nasu, Professor S., xv, xxiv

Nation 8;
  National Agricultural Societies 238, 320;
  Backing Society 312;
  Defence 97;
  Feeling 363;
  Funds 371;
  Greatness, Sources of, 97;
  Products 233;
  Nationalism 204, 328;
  Nationalists 91

Natsu mekan 238

Nature 287;
  and Character 99;
  Feeling towards 99;
  “Natural” 280;
  Naturalness 99

Naval Service 311

Navvies 21, 217

Navy 311, 346, 350-1, 360, 403;
  Farmer and ix

“Needle in your head” 11

Negation 101

Project Gutenberg
The Foundations of Japan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.