Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 257 pages of information about Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery.

Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 257 pages of information about Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery.

CLEAR SOUP.—­Make a very strong stock by cutting up onion, celery, carrot, and a little turnip, and boiling them in some water.  They should boil for two or three hours.  Add also a teaspoonful of mixed savoury herbs to every quart, and colour the stock with a few drops of Parisian essence.  Strain it off, and, if it is not bright, clear it with some white of egg in the ordinary way.  Take only sufficient corn-flour to make the soup less thin or watery, but do not make it thick.  A tablespoonful of mushroom ketchup can be added to every quart.

COCOANUT SOUP.—­Break open a good-sized cocoanut and grate sufficient of the white part till it weighs half a pound.  Boil this in some stock, and after it has boiled for about an hour strain it off.  Only a small quantity of stock must be used, and the cocoanut should be pressed and squeezed, so as to extract all the goodness.  Add a little pepper and salt, and about half a grated nutmeg.  Next boil separately three pints of milk, and add this to the strained soup.  Thicken the soup with some ground rice, and serve.  Of course, a little cream would be a great improvement.  Serve with toasted or fried bread.

ENDIVE SOUP, OR PUREE.—­Take half a dozen endives that are white in the centre, and wash them very thoroughly in salt and water, as they are apt to contain insects.  Next throw. them into boiling water, and let them boil for a quarter of an hour.  Then take them out and throw them into cold water.  Next take them out of the cold water and squeeze them in a cloth so as to extract all the moisture.  Then cut off the root of each endive, chop up all the white leaves, and place them in a stew-pan with about two ounces of butter.  Add half a grated nutmeg, a brimming teaspoonful of powdered white sugar, and a little pepper and salt.  Stir them over the fire with a wooden spoon, and take care they don’t burn or turn colour.  Next add sufficient milk to moisten them, and let them simmer gently till they are tender; then rub the whole through a wire sieve, add a little piece of butter, and serve with fried or toasted bread.

FRUIT SOUP.—­Fruit soup can be made from rhubarb, vegetable marrow, cucumber, gourd, or pumpkin.  They may be all mixed with a little cream, milk, or butter, and form a nice dish that is both healthful and delicate.



HARE SOUP (IMITATION).—­Take one large carrot, a small head of celery, one good-sized onion, and half a small turnip, and boil these in a quart of water till they are tender.  Rub the whole through a wire sieve, and thicken the soup with some brown roux till it is as thick as good cream.  Next add a brimming saltspoonful of aromatic flavouring herbs.  These herbs are sold in bottles by all grocers under the name of Herbaceous Mixture.  Flavour the soup with cayenne pepper, a glass of port wine (port wine dregs will do), dissolve in it a small dessertspoonful of red-currant jelly, and add the juice of half a lemon.

Project Gutenberg
Cassell's Vegetarian Cookery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.