Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

Certain Success eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 314 pages of information about Certain Success.

[Sidenote:  The 1/4 m.p.  Man]

If you are only a 1/4 m.p. salesman at present, you lack three-fourths of the man capacity needed to handle with certain success all the opportunities of full-size manhood.  You were not limited by Nature to 1/4 m.p. size.  You were born with full man capacity.  You are like a gasoline motor developing but a quarter of the power it was designed to produce—­not because of any structural fault in the engine, but simply for the reason that it does not function now as it was intended to operate, and as it can be made to work in the future if it is overhauled and put in perfect condition.  The full power capacity originally built into the motor needs to be brought out.  Likewise your man-power plant requires to be made as efficient as possible, in order to assure you of full man-capability for achieving success.

Maybe your chief fault is poor fuel, and what you most need is good “gas.”  You have not been filling up your mind with the right ideas.  Or, perhaps, your piston rings leak; and you lack the high compression of determined persistence.  Another fault might be in your carburetor—­you are not a good “mixer.”  Or your spark of enthusiasm may be weak.  It is possible, too, that your fine points are caked over by the carbon of accumulated bad habits.  Maybe you have a cracked cylinder—­your health is partly broken down.  The fault is in your timer, perhaps.  You are not “on the job” when you should be.

[Sidenote:  Your Manhood Can Be Re-built]

No matter what ails your particular engine, it can be repaired or rebuilt into a full one-manpower motor of efficiency.  If you limp and pound along with but a quarter of your capability, it is your own fault for not overhauling your power plant.  Don’t continue as a 1/4 m.p. man and blame anybody else, or curse your bad luck because you can’t make speed and carry the load necessary to succeed. Stop trying to go on crippled or clogged in manhood.  Run yourself into the repair shop right away and “get fixed.”

You can make your manhood over.

There is full-man capability in you.  You can get it all out and put it to work for your success.

You have the ability to re-make your character entirely, without changing your individual nature.

You must accomplish transformation into your best self before you can make the most of your opportunities to sell your abilities and services.  It will not suffice that you just are willing, or desire, to become a first-class salesman of your particular “goods of sale.”  Merely acquiring information or knowledge of the selling process is not enough to assure your success in life.  Even the most skillful practice of all the sales principles and methods you learn will be insufficient to guarantee your success—­if you do not develop your full man capacity for sales-man-ship.

Project Gutenberg
Certain Success from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.