From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.
great pain, but it came to her mind all at once that her sins were pardoned; she was exceedingly happy, and could not help thanking and praising God.  In this state her husband found her when he returned, and on hearing her talk, became very unhappy, because he thought that besides her leg, her head was broken too; and that she was going out of her mind.  She assured him over and over again that she was wonderfully well, and really happy; but he could not bear to hear her talk like that, and said that he should go mad also, if she did not stop.

During the six weeks she was laid up, he continually brought doctors and clergymen to talk her out of her delusion as he thought it, but without avail.  Her happiness continued for several months, and then gradually died away.  She asked me, “Can you tell me the meaning of this?” I was deeply interested with her experience, and told her that I had read of a similar one only a few days before.  My heart now began to cheer up, for I saw why I had been sent to this place.  I at once pointed her to passages of Scripture, where we are told that we have forgiveness of sins through the blood of Jesus, and I put Christ crucified before her as the object of faith.  I told her, that as certainly as the blood Jesus had been shed, there was mercy and forgiveness for her.  I said, “I believe it, and have forgiveness:  and you may have it too; not because you feel happy, but because Jesus died.”  She did believe, and we rejoiced together.

She exclaimed, “Oh that the Lord would change my husband’s heart, and bring you here for a revival!”

“Very well,” I said, “let us ask Him,” and we did so.  I then rode home raising God.

Before leaving, I promised to come again on the following Wednesday.  I kept my word, and had an interview with her husband; but it was not encouraging.  He said he could not agree to ask for mercy as a sinner, because he had been baptized.  Some months afterwards his manservant came to me on horseback at three o’clock in the morning, to say that his master was very bad, and would I come as soon as possible and see him.  I asked, “What is the matter?” “Oh, bless the Lord,” said the man, “it’ll all about his soul! ....That is right” I replied, thanking God; “I will go with you at once,” and immediately I saddled my horse, and rode back with him.

I found my friend was under deep conviction, and in the greatest misery; he now thought that he was a most “uncommon sinner,” and that there was no mercy for him, there could not be any!  After a time he acknowledged the power of God to forgive sin, and declared that he believed in Christ, and I was led to say “he that believeth hath everlasting life.”  Upon this text he found peace, and we all praised God together.

The Sunday following, he asked the congregation to thank God with him for having saved his soul; and in his sermon told them something of his experience.  Subsequently his church became the centre of a work of God, as Mr. Aitken’s church and mine were in our respective neighbourhoods.

Project Gutenberg
From Death into Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.