From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.

From Death into Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 345 pages of information about From Death into Life.
on our return home, I wrote to the Bishop, and’ proposed to resign my present incumbency, in order that I might take a district in Plymouth.  He replied in due course, that he would accept my resignation.  After I was thus pledged, my wife’s mind veered from her consent to go; and Mr. Aitken changed his tone also, and said that the text had come to him, “Cast thyself down,” and that I was tempting God.  Yet all the steps I had taken had been in prayer, and had been taken very reluctantly, for I was much attached to Baldhu.

For nearly three months I was torn with distractions; sometimes hope lifted up the mist from the horizon, and then let it down again.  I did not know what to do; the work at home had come to a stand; but there was one thing, my successor was not yet appointed, nor had I signed my resignation; therefore every now and then the thought came over me, that I would stay.  Then a letter came from Plymouth, urging me to come away at once, “for the iron was hot for striking.”  Sometimes people came in and said, “You had better go;” then others would come in and say, “You will do no good if you do go.”  It was desolating, as well as distracting beyond description.

I had a family of six children and three servants; it was a great expense to move there; and yet, if God was calling, it was quite as easy for Him to move eleven people as one; and I had ten claims upon Him.  At last, suspense was over; my successor was appointed, and the day fixed for our going.  I signed my resignation, having to pay four pounds ten shillings for it; then, suspense was changed into unmitigated sorrow.

I had designed and built that church and house, and had seen them rise; had made the garden, and had had many happy and wonderful days in this place.  I found it had taken a deep root in my heart, and therefore it was like tearing one up altogether to go away.  But it was done now, and the friends who had advised me not to resign, seemed to have their triumph; and those who advised to go, were discouraged and grieved at my sorrowful state.  My dear wife cheered up when she saw me down, and rose to the occasion; she began to pack up as if delighted at going, and went about everything most cheerfully.

I told the people that I could not bear a leave-taking, but there would be a service in the church, and Holy Communion, at seven o’clock on the morning we were to leave.  Many came, but the majority could not sum up the courage to do so.  I put my resignation on the offertory plate, and gave it to God with many tears.  A kind neighbour came to officiate for me, so that I did not take any part in the service, being exceedingly dejected and overwhelmed with sorrow.  It was chiefly for fear, lest I was doing that which God would not have me do, and taking my family out from a comfortable home, I knew not whither, or to what discomforts.

One thing I certainly saw plainly enough, that my affections were too deeply rooted in earthly things.  I had no idea till then, that that place of my own creation had taken such a hold upon me.  It was well to be loose from that, and free for my Master’s service.

Project Gutenberg
From Death into Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.