William Lloyd Garrison eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about William Lloyd Garrison.

William Lloyd Garrison eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 394 pages of information about William Lloyd Garrison.

Garrison, Joseph, 11, 12.

Garrison, Wendell Phillips, 297.

Garrison, William Lloyd,

Early years, 11-26;

Publishes Free Press, 27-34;

  seeks work in Boston, 35;

  nominates Harrison Gray Otis for Congress, 35-36;

  temperance and the Philanthropist, 39-44;

  meets Lundy, 44;

  early attitude on the slavery question, 46-50;

  on war, 51;

  first experience with ministers on the subject of slavery, 52;

  Anti-slavery Committee of twenty, 53;

  goes to Bennington, Vt., to edit the
    Journal of the Times, 54-55;

  monster anti-slavery petition to Congress, 55;

  anticipates trouble with the South, 56;

  begins to preach freedom, 56-57;

  agrees to help Lundy edit the Genius of Universal
, 58;

  Congregational Societies of Boston invite him to
    deliver Fourth-of-July oration, 60;

  the address, 61-67;

  goes to Baltimore, 69;

  raises the standard of immediate emancipation, 70;

  Lundy and he agree to differ, 71;

  defends Free People of Color, 73-74;

  makes acquaintance with barbarism of slavery, 74;

  ship Francis and Francis Todd, 75-77;

  prosecuted and imprisoned, 77-83;

  released, 83;

  visits the North, 84;

  returns to Baltimore but leaves it again for good, 87;

  lectures on slavery, 88-91;

  character, 92-94;

  incarnation of immediate emancipation, 109;

  Dr. Lyman Beecher, 110-111;

  difficulties in the way of publishing the Liberator, 112-115;

  his method of attacking slavery, 118;

  he is heard, 120;

Project Gutenberg
William Lloyd Garrison from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.