Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp.

Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 164 pages of information about Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp.

As Betty was no seeress and could not see into the future she of course did not dream that in a very few weeks, and in very different surroundings, she would experience adventures quite as interesting as any which had already come into her life.  These will be published in the next volume of this series, entitled:  “Betty Gordon at Ocean Park; or, Gay Doings on the Boardwalk.”

Bob shook his head at Betty’s last observation.  “Does seem as though we manage to get hooked up to lots of strange folks and strange happenings.  Certain metals attract lightning, Betty, and I think you attract adventures.  What do you say, Uncle Dick?”

Mr. Gordon only laughed.  “I say that you young folks had better have supper and a long night’s rest.  I shall not let you go on to school until to-morrow.  For once you will be a day late; but I will chance explaining the circumstances to your instructors.”

They got into the taxicab again and bowled away up town.  The lights came up like rows of fireflies in the cross streets.  When they struck into the foot of Fifth Avenue at the Washington Arch the globes on that thoroughfare were all alight.  It was late enough for the traffic to have thinned out and their driver could travel at good speed save when the red lights flashed up on the traffic towers.

“Isn’t this wonderful?” said Betty.  “Libbie is always enthusing about pretty views and fairylike landscapes.  What would she and Timothy say to this?”

“Something silly, I bet,” grumbled Bob.  “Cricky! but I’m hungry,” proving by this speech that he had a soul at this moment very little above mundane things.

Uncle Dick chuckled in his corner of the car, and made no comment.  And Betty said nothing further just then.  The brilliant lights of the avenue were shining full in her face, but her thoughts were far away, with Ida Bellethorne on that ocean-going steamer bound for South America.  What a wonderful winter of adventures it had been!

“And the best of it is, it all came out right in the end,” murmured the girl softly to herself.

Project Gutenberg
Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.