Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil,.

Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil,.
was too extensive and powerful to be again reduced to a state of colonial dependence, and therefore confined its aims to the Northern provinces, the Portuguese party in the administration seconding the intentions of the parent state; both, however, shutting their eyes to the fact, that, if these were separated from Brazil, they would become disorganized in a vain attempt to imitate the constitution of the United States—­by whose more enlightened citizens they were greatly influenced—­and, as a consequence, would be lost both to the parent state and the Empire.  As it was, all I had effected for their annexation and tranquillization was regarded with perfect hatred by the Portuguese residents in the provinces as well as by the administration, who did everything in their power to thwart my measures for the union and consolidation of the Empire.

During the whole of this period, I repeat that I had received no communication from Rio de Janeiro, with the exception of the letter before mentioned, with the rubrick of His Imperial Majesty, thanking me for the course I had pursued.  Though no instructions were sent for my guidance, nor any fault found with my acts, yet, from private sources, I was advised that my success in restoring order to the Northern provinces had greatly embittered the administration against me, as having destroyed the hopes of Portugal—­expressed through Palmella—­of profiting by disorder.  I was also left to provide for the pay and maintenance of the squadron, one vessel only with supplies having been forwarded since our departure from Rio de Janeiro, in the preceding August!

Notwithstanding this marked neglect, I took care to keep the administration well advised of all my proceedings, and the causes thereof, the following being extracts from my letters to the Minister of Marine, respecting the events just narrated:—­

   No. 290.

   Maranham, March 16th, 1825.

I beg to acquaint your Excellency, for the satisfaction of the Imperial government, that I have caused the provinces which required military assistance, to furnish pay and provisions for the ships immediately under my command; and further, that I have required the government of Maranham to pay, as a recompence to the officers and seamen, one-fourth part of the amount of money and bills, and one-fifth part of the value of the military stores surrendered by the Portuguese authorities on the 28th of July, 1823.  Thus the Imperial government at Rio de Janeiro will be relieved from considerable disbursement, and the officers and seamen—­notwithstanding the great additional trouble to which they have been put—­will be satisfied, so far as regards their claim to the value of their captures in compensation for their services at Maranham.
I cannot refrain from drawing the attention of the Imperial government to the abuses which exist in every department of the provincial government,
Project Gutenberg
Narrative of Services in the Liberation of Chili, Peru and Brazil, from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.