Gods and Fighting Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Gods and Fighting Men.

Gods and Fighting Men eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 602 pages of information about Gods and Fighting Men.

And there came to them a very tall man, that was shining like a burning flame, and he took hold of the bridle of the king’s horse, and led him through the wood till they came to the right road.  And the King of Ireland asked him who was he, and first he said:  “I am your candlestick”; and then he said:  “I was with Finn one time.”  And the king knew it was Caoilte, son of Ronan, was in it.

And three times nine of the rest of the Fianna came out of the west one time to Teamhair.  And they took notice that now they were wanting their full strength and their great name, no one took notice of them or came to speak with them at all.  And when they saw that, they lay down on the side of the hill at Teamhair, and put their lips to the earth and died.

And for three days and a month and a year from the time of the destruction of the Fianna of Ireland, Loch Dearg was under mists.

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And as to Finn, there are some say he died by the hand of a fisherman; but it is likely that is not true, for that would be no death for so great a man as Finn, son of Cumhal.  And there are some say he never died, but is alive in some place yet.

And one time a smith made his way into a cave he saw, that had a door to it, and he made a key that opened it.  And when he went in he saw a very wide place, and very big men lying on the floor.  And one that was bigger than the rest was lying in the middle, and the Dord Fiann beside him; and he knew it was Finn and the Fianna were in it.

And the smith took hold of the Dord Fiann, and it is hardly he could lift it to his mouth, and he blew a very strong blast on it, and the sound it made was so great, it is much the rocks did not come down on him.  And at the sound, the big men lying on the ground shook from head to foot.  He gave another blast then, and they all turned on their elbows.

And great dread came on him when he saw that, and he threw down the Dord Fiann and ran from the caye and locked the door after him, and threw the key into the lake.  And he heard them crying after him, “You left us worse than you found us.”  And the cave was not found again since that time.

But some say the day will come when the Dord Fiann will be sounded three times, and that at the sound of it the Fianna will rise up as strong and as well as ever they were.  And there are some say Finn, son of Cumhal, has been on the earth now and again since the old times, in the shape of one of the heroes of Ireland.

And as to the great things he and his men did when they were together, it is well they have been kept in mind through the poets of Ireland and of Alban.  And one night there were two men minding sheep in a valley, and they were saying the poems of the Fianna while they were there.  And they saw two very tall shapes on the two hills on each side of the valley, and one of the tall shapes said to the other:  “Do you hear that man down below?  I was the second doorpost of battle at Gabhra, and that man knows all about it better than myself.”

Project Gutenberg
Gods and Fighting Men from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.