The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

The Promise of American Life eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 620 pages of information about The Promise of American Life.

  legislative and administrative, suggested for state governments, 329-330;
  appointment of an executive council or cabinet by the governor, 338.

  failure of American criminal and civil, 318;
  protection of inter-state corporations by Federal, 355-356;
  decisions of, on labor questions, 394.

Crevecoeur, Hector St. John de, quoted, 8-9.

Criminal justice,
  failure of American, 318;
  reform of, by states, 344-345.

  treatment of, by states, 345-346.

Critics and criticism in America, 450-451;
  broadening of the work of, 451-452.

Crazier, John B., quoted, 15-16.

  relations between United States and, 303, 308.

Cumberland Road, the, 67.


Debt, national,
  Hamilton’s belief in good effects of, 40-41.

  as represented by Republicans at close of Revolution, 28-29, 30-31;
  Federalists’ antagonism to, 32-33;
  misfortune of founding national government on distrust of, 33-34;
  misunderstanding of, as an ideal, in 1786, 34;
  Hamilton’s distrust of, 41;
  Jefferson the leader of, against Hamilton and his policies, 42-43;
  Jefferson’s view of, as extreme individualism, 43;
  real policy of Jeffersonian, as revealed upon triumph of his party,
  Jeffersonian, becomes reconciled with Federalism, 46-47;
  fifty-year sway of Jeffersonian tradition, 48;
  questionable results of triumph of Jeffersonian, 50-51;
  existence of a genuine American, proved by War of 1812, 54-55
    (see Democracy, Jacksonian);
  slavery as an institution of, 80 ff.;
  work of Abolitionists in the name of, 80-81;
  Abolitionists’ perverted conception of, 80-81, 86;
  Lincoln an example of the kind of human excellence to be fashioned by,
  Lincoln’s realization of his ideal of a, 94;
  the labor union and the tradition of, 126 ff.;
  the American, and the social problem, 138-140;
  the ordinary conception of, as a matter of popular government, 176-180;
  the true meaning of, 176 ff.;
  and discrimination, 185-193;
  the real definition of, 207 ff.;
  a superior form of political organization in so far as liberty and
      equality make for human brotherhood, 207-208;
  principles of nationality and, in England, 230 ff.;
  and nationality in France, 239 ff.;
  principles of, and of nationality in America, 267 ff.;
  and peace, 308 ff.

Democracy, Jacksonian (or Western), 52 ff.;
  suspected by Hamilton, appreciated by Jefferson, 52-53;
  disapproves Jefferson’s policy of peaceful warfare, 53;
  forces Madison into second war with England, 53-54;
  the first genuinely national body of Americans, 54-55;
  characteristics of, 55-56;

Project Gutenberg
The Promise of American Life from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.