Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV..

Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV..

To BAN, BANN, v. a. to curse.

BANNIN, pr. pa. swearing.

BANDKYN, s. a species of cloth, the warp of which is thread of gold and the woof silk, and adorned with figures.

BANDSTER, BANSTER, s. one who binds sheaves after the reapers in the harvest field.

BANE, s. a bone.

BANE-FYER, s. a bonfire.

To BANG, v. a. to change place with impetuosity—­ as, to bang up, to start to our feet suddenly.

BANNOCK, s. a cake of barley or pease meal baked on a girdle.

BANNOCK-FLUKE, s. a turbot.

BAP, s. a thick cake, baked in an oven, with yeast in it, and made of flour, oat meal, or barley meal, and sometimes a mixture of two of them.

BARE, adj. lean; meagre; naked; uncovered.

To BARKEN, v. n. to become hard; to clot.

BARLA-BREIKIS, BURLEY-BRAKS, s. a game played in a corn-yard, running round the stacks.

BARLEY, s. a term used by children in games, when a truce, or a cessation for the time, is demanded.


BASSIE, s. an old horse.

BASTOUN, s. a heavy staff; a baton.

BAITH, adj. both.

BATIE, BAWTIE, s. a name applied to dogs, generally large ones, without reference to sex.

BATS, s. pl. the bots, a disease in horses.

To BATTER, v. a. to paste.

BAUCHLE, BACHEL, s. an old shoe.

BAUGH, adj. ungrateful to the taste.

BAUK, BAWK, s. a cross beam in the roof of a house.

BAUK, BAWK, s. a strip of land, two or three feet wide, left unploughed.

BAUSY, adj. strong; big.

To BAW, v. a. to hush; to lull in the manner of nursing a child.

BAW, s. a ball.

BAWBEE, a halfpenny.

BAWDEKYN, s. cloth of gold.

BAXTER, s. a baker.

BEAR, BERE, s. barley.

To BECK, v. to curtsey.

BEDRAL, s. a person who is bedrid.

BEGRUTTEN, part. pa. having the face disfigured with weeping.

BEIK, BIKE, s. a hive of bees.

BEIK, BEKE, BEEK, v. a. to bask, as in the sun.

BEILD, BIELD, s. shelter; refuge.

BEIN, BANE, s. bone.

BIRR, s. noise; cry; force.

BEKE, BEIK, BEEK, v. a. to bask.

BELD, adj. bald; without hair on the head.

BELE, s. a fire; a blaze.

BELYVE, adv. by and by.

To BELL THE CAT, to contend with a person of superior rank; to withstand him, either by actions or words, especially the former.

BELLY-THRA, s. the colic.

Project Gutenberg
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.