The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888.

The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 136 pages of information about The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888.

In order to make the work so well begun tell most for the future, the woman’s skill is required in its every phase.  The homes must have their visitors, schools their teachers; pastors urgently call for the special missionary.  There are those who are willing to go.  Will the ladies of the churches provide the means?  Will you Christian women—­the women of our churches, come to the aid of the American Missionary Association, in support of your sisters in the field?  If you will do this, we shall have no more debt.  If you will do this, there will be far less of heart-aching denial to those who plead with us year by year to send them just one—­only one Christian woman to guide and teach.

It costs but four hundred dollars a missionary.  Yet of those who have been appointed for the new year—­some already at work, others now on the way—­there are one hundred whose support is not yet provided; and only four hundred dollars a missionary!  What a glow would enter the hearts of these noble, self-denying woman, if from the Woman’s Bureau word might go that the ladies of such churches have provided for you, and you, and you!  Weary with the constant drain upon mind and heart, as they come in contact with the warped, barren lives of the people whom they would help, how it would refresh them to feel that because they are your missionaries you are working for, thinking of and praying for them.  One hundred woman missionaries unprovided for!

At the word of the Lord we put out into the deep and let down the nets.  The draught is great, our nets are breaking, and we beckon unto you, our partners in the other boat to come and help us—­to share in the work and the reward.

* * * * *


        MAINE. $261.51.

Alfred.  Cong.  Ch. and Soc. ...12.92

Bingham.  Cong.  Ch. ...2.00

Brewer.  M. Hardy 50 to const.  MRS.
  Hardy 30, to const.  MRS. SARAH L.
  WING, L.M. ...80.00

Bridgton.  First Cong.  Ch. and
  Soc. ...17.03

Brunswick.  First Cong.  Ch. ...54.25

Castine.  Class of little girls. 
  No. 9.  Trin.  Ch.  Sab.  Sch., for
  Student Aid, Tougaloo U. ...2.31

East Orrington.  Cong.  Ch. ...4.00

Gorham.  “Young Ladies Helping Hand”
  Cong.  Ch. ...25.00

Lebanon Center.  Mrs. Sophronia D. Lord ...1.00

Lewiston.  Richard C. Stanley ...5.00

Norridgewock.  Cong.  Ch. and Soc. ...35.00

Oxford.  Rev. Geo. F. Tewksbury ...2.00

Princeton.  Cong.  Ch. ...6.00

Richmond.  Sab.  Sen. of Cong.  Ch. for
  Student Aid, Talladega C. ...10.00

Project Gutenberg
The American Missionary — Volume 42, No. 12, December, 1888 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.