Elsie at Nantucket eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about Elsie at Nantucket.

Elsie at Nantucket eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 270 pages of information about Elsie at Nantucket.

“Perhaps I might not love an ill-tempered, jealous child belonging to somebody else,” he said, as if half in jest, half in earnest; “but you are my own,” drawing her closer and repeating his caresses, “my very own; and so I have to love you in spite of everything.  But, my little girl,” and his tone grew very grave and sad, “if you do not fight determinately against these wrong feelings you will never know rest or happiness in this world or the next.

“But we won’t talk any more about it now; I have no time, as I ought to be writing my letter.  Run away and make yourself happy, collecting together such toys and books as you would like to carry with you to Nantucket.  Grandma Elsie and Mamma Vi will decide what you and the rest will need in the way of clothing.”

“I will, papa; and oh, but I think you are good to me!” she said, giving him a final hug and kiss; “a great deal better than I deserve; but I will try to be good.”

“Do, my child,” he said; “and not in your own strength; God will help you if you ask Him.”

For the moment thoroughly ashamed of her jealousy of the baby, she ran back to the veranda, where the others still were, and bending over it as it lay its mother’s arms, kissed it several times.

Violet’s face flushed with pleasure.  “My dear Lulu, I hope you and little Else are going to be very fond of each other,” she said.

“I hope so, Mamma Vi,” Lulu answered, pleasantly; then, in a sudden fit of penitence, added, “but I’m afraid she’ll never learn any good from the example of her oldest sister.”

“My dear child, resolve that she shall,” said Grandma Elsie, standing by; “you cannot avoid having a good deal of influence over her as she grows older, and do not forget that you will have to give an account for the use you make of it.”

“I suppose that’s so,” Lulu answered, with a little impatient shrug of her shoulders; “but I wish it wasn’t.”  Then, turning abruptly away, “Max and Gracie,” she called to her brother and sister, “papa says we may go and gather up any books and toys we want to take with us.”

The three ran off together in high glee.  The ladies stayed a little longer, deep in consultation about necessary arrangements which must fall to their share:  then dispersed to their several apartments, with the exception of Violet, who, forbidden to exert herself, remained where she was till joined by her husband, when he had finished and despatched his letter.  It was great happiness to them to be together after their long separation.

Mr. Dinsmore and Edward had walked out into the avenue, and were seated under a tree in earnest conversation.

“Talking tiresome business, I suppose,” remarked Zoe, in a half-petulant tone, glancing toward them as she spoke, and apparently addressing Violet, as she was the only other person on the veranda at the moment.

“Yes, no doubt; but we must have patience with them, dear, because it is very necessary,” Violet answered, with a smile.  “Probably they are discussing the question how the plantation is to be attended to in their absence.  You know it won’t take care of itself, and the men must have a head to direct their labors.”

Project Gutenberg
Elsie at Nantucket from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.