Five Years of Theosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Five Years of Theosophy.

Five Years of Theosophy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 547 pages of information about Five Years of Theosophy.

Q. What is Spirit?

A. It is that principle which enters into the composition of man and is not included in the three bodies, and which is distinct from the five sheaths (Koshas), being sat (existence),* chit (consciousness),** and ananda (bliss),*** and witness of the three states.

* This stands for Purusha.

** This stands for Prakriti, cosmic matter, irrespective of the state we perceive it to be in.

*** Bliss is Maya or Sakti, it is the creative energy producing changes of state in Prakriti.  Says the Sruti (Taittiriya Upanishad):  “Verily from Bliss are all these bhutas (elements) born, and being born by it they live, and they return and enter into Bliss.” --------

Q. What are the three bodies?

A. The gross (sthula), the subtile (sukshma), and the causal (karana).

Q. What is the gross body?

A. That which is the effect of the Mahabhutas (primordial subtile elements) differentiated into the five gross ones (Panchikrita),* is born of Karma and subject to the six changes beginning with birth.** It is said:—­

What is produced by the (subtile) elements differentiated into the five gross ones, is acquired by Karma, and is the measure of pleasure and pain, is called the body (sarira) par excellence.

Q. What is the subtile body?

A. It is the effect of the elements not differentiated into five and having seventeen characteristic marks (lingas).

Q. What are the seventeen?

A. The five channels of knowledge (Jnanendriyas), the five organs of action, the five vital airs, beginning with prana, and manas and buddhi.

* The five subtile elements thus produce the gross ones—­each of
the five is divided into eight parts, four of those parts and one
part of each of the others enter into combination, and the result
is the gross element corresponding with the subtile element,
whose parts predominate in the composition.

** These six changes are—­birth, death, existence in time, growth, decay, and undergoing change of substance (parinam) as milk is changed into whey. --------

Q. What are the Jnandendriyas?

A. [Spiritual] Ear, skin, eye, tongue and nose.

Q. What is the ear?

A. That channel of knowledge which transcends the [physical] ear, is limited by the auricular orifice, on which the akas depends, and which is capable of taking cognisance of sound.

Q. The skin?

A. That which transcends the skin, on which the skin depends, and which extends from head to foot, and has the power of perceiving heat and cold.

Q. The eye?

A. That which transcends the ocular orb, on which the orb depends, which is situated to the front of the black iris and has the power of cognising forms.

Q. The tongue?

A. That which transcends the tongue, and can perceive taste.

Project Gutenberg
Five Years of Theosophy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.