A Little Book of Filipino Riddles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about A Little Book of Filipino Riddles.

A Little Book of Filipino Riddles eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 73 pages of information about A Little Book of Filipino Riddles.

I cannot see although my eyes are wide open; if I cover, I can see. 

Insects:  and other invertebrates.


Diotay pa si compare cahibalo na mag saca sa lubu. 
    (Bis.) Subay

My compadre is tiny, yet he knows how to climb up a cocoanut tree. 


Bahay ni Man Tute haligue ay bali-bali. 
    (Tag.) Alimango

House of Mr. Tute, whose rafters are twisted. 


Nano nga pispis nga ua-ay pag lupad, may pac-pac cag may bala-hibu,
cag naga butu. 
    (Bis.) Ulang

What bird is it, having wings cannot fly, which makes its nest and
hatches its young under its wings? 


No umolog maturog; no umoli tomacqui. 
    (Iloc.—­also Pang.) Alinta

When it goes down, it sleeps; when it goes up it drops waste matter. 


Magmagna mamingpingqui. 
    (Iloc.) Colalanti

Walking, it strikes fire.  Makes a spark. 


Con sa latagon palanacal; con sa balay magansal; pero con sa mesa in
a ugdang. 
    (Bis.) Lango

Out in the field she talks too much; In the house she makes much noise;
But when at table she is quiet. 


Ang patay nag bata sing buhi, ang buhi nag bata cag ang iya bata iya guin bilin sa patay, cag ang patay amo ang nag buhi sang bata sang buhi. 
    (Bis.) Langao, uhid, carne

A living thing left its young to a dead thing; this dead thing gave
nourishment to the young of the living thing. 
    Fly, maggots, meat


Siasino iti parsua ni apotayo nga Dios nga casla agropropa a caballo
quet iti payacna casla bulong iti caoayan? 
    (Iloc.) Dudon

What creature of our Lord God has a face like a horse and wings like
bambu leaves? 


Adda maysa nga tumatayal yanna amin nga lugar uray no tayac quen cabaquiran, quet iti rupana rupa iti baca, iti tengnguedna tengngued iti caballo, iti barocongna barocong iti tao, iti payacna casla bolong iti caoayan iti ipusna casla uleg, iti sacana casla saca iti tocling. 
    (Iloc.) Oasay-oasay

There is a flying thing, which stays anywhere,—­even in the forest and tayac; its face is the face of a cow, its neck the neck of a horse, the breast the breast of a man, the wing is like the leaf of a bambu, his tail resembles a snake, and his feet look like the feet of a bird. 


Madilim na bundoc hayop na walan buto. 
    (Tag.) Cutu

Dark mountain—­boneless animal. 


Atimon sa cagulangan ua-ay alipopo-an. 
    (Bis.) Lusa

Melon of the wilderness without a stem. 

Project Gutenberg
A Little Book of Filipino Riddles from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.