The Emperor of Portugalia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about The Emperor of Portugalia.

The Emperor of Portugalia eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 229 pages of information about The Emperor of Portugalia.

Glory Goldie had found peace.  She had come into a world of love now that she could see her father as he was.  She wondered how she could ever have imagined that he hated her; he, who only wanted to forgive!  Wherever she was or wherever she went he would be there to protect her; he had no thought or wish but that.

Again she felt the great tenderness well up in her heart like a mighty wave-filling her whole being.  Then she knew that all was well again between her father and her; that he and she were one, as in the old days.  Now that she loved him, there was nothing to be atoned.

Glory Goldie awoke as from a dream.  While she had stood looking into her father’s kindly face the pastor had performed the burial service.  Now he was addressing a few remarks to the people; he thanked them, one and all, for coming to this funeral.  It was no great or distinguished man that had just been laid to rest, he said, but he was perhaps one who had borne the richest and warmest heart in these regions.

When the pastor said this the people again glanced at one another.  And now every one looked pleased and satisfied.  The parson was right:  it was because of Jan’s great heart they had come to the funeral.

Then the pastor spoke a few words to Glory Goldie.  He said that she had received greater love from her parents than had any one he knew of, and that such love could only turn to blessing.

At this everybody looked over at Glory Goldie, and they all marvelled at what they saw.  The pastor’s saying had already come true.  For there, at the grave of her parents, stood Glory Goldie Sunnycastle, who had been named by the Sun itself, shining like one transfigured!  She was as beautiful now as on that Sunday when she came to church in the red dress, if not more beautiful.

Project Gutenberg
The Emperor of Portugalia from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.