Judith of the Godless Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 388 pages of information about Judith of the Godless Valley.

Judith of the Godless Valley eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 388 pages of information about Judith of the Godless Valley.

When Judith returned with Maud Day there were thirty or forty people and almost as many dogs milling about the yard.  The log school had weathered against the red wall of the mesa for fifty years.  There probably was not a person in the crowd who had not gone to school there, who did not, like Judith, love every log in its ugly sides.  Judith caught Douglas’ sardonic gaze, tossed her curly head and urged Swift up the steps, where she looked toward the road to the Pass, shading her fine eyes with a mittened hand.

Finally she cried, “I see the preacher coming!”

“Somebody ought to go in and build the fire if we ain’t going to freeze to death!” exclaimed Grandma Brown, jogging up on a flea-bitten black mule.

“He invited himself.  Let him build his own fire!” cried Douglas.

Grandma pulled her spectacles down from her forehead to the bridge of her capable nose, and stared at Douglas.

“Well!  Well!  Doesn’t take ’em long away from the nursing bottle to get smarty.  Where’s your father, Douglas?”

“Home with the toothache,” replied Doug, flushed and irritated.

“Did he bring you up to let a stranger come to the house and build his own fire?”

“No, but it’s the schoolmarm’s job to build this one,” replied Douglas.

“Jimmy Day, you and Doug go in and get that old stove going!” ordered Grandma.

Both boys dismounted slowly, tied their horses, and amidst a general chuckle, disappeared into the schoolhouse.

Charleton Falkner, a black-browed rider of middle age, with a heavy black mustache, turned his horse toward Grandma.

“That’s right, Charleton,” the old lady went on, “you come over here and help me off of Abe.  I ain’t going to stay out here freezing till old Fowler comes.  Riding ain’t the novelty to me it seems to be to the rest of you.”

This was the signal for all the grown people to tie up their horses and enter the building.  Shortly Douglas and Jimmy came out, and scarcely had remounted when the minister rode slowly up over the ledge.  He dismounted at the door and greeted the youngsters.  They replied with cat-calls.  Fowler stared at the group of robust young riders, his gray-bearded face somber, then he shook his head and opened the door.

Douglas jumped from his horse and, giving the reins to Jimmy Day, he followed the minister.  The people within were seated quietly, and Doug slid into a rear bench.  His eyes were very bright and he watched the preacher with eager interest.  Mr. Fowler dropped his overcoat on a chair and strode up to the platform, where he smiled half wistfully, half benignly at his congregation.  Then he raised his right hand.

“Let us pray!” he said.  “O God, help me to speak truth to these people who ten years ago laughed me from this room.  Help me to open their eyes that they may behold You!  Show them that they lead a life of wickedness from the babes in arms to the very aged, from—­”

Project Gutenberg
Judith of the Godless Valley from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.