One of the 28th eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 444 pages of information about One of the 28th.

One of the 28th eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 444 pages of information about One of the 28th.
“Now, this is just what my husband knew also.  Once when they were chatting together Herbert mentioned that the house like many other old mansions contained a secret chamber.  He said:  ’I can’t tell you where it is, Withers; for although it is never likely to be used again, the knowledge of this hiding-place has been passed down from generation to generation as a family secret.  I gave a solemn promise never to reveal it when I was first informed of its existence; and although in these days there is no occasion to hide priests or conspirators, I do not consider myself released from the promise I gave.  Possibly some day the hiding-place may prove of value again.  There may be a price set on the head of a Penfold, who can tell?  Anyhow it is likely to remain a secret as long as the old house stands; and in the meantime I find it a useful place for keeping things that I do not want lying about.’  Mr. Tallboys appeared very vexed at hearing what my husband said.
“‘It is very strange.’ he said, ’that sensible men will do such foolish things.  It is probable enough that Herbert Penfold has placed this will in the hiding-place you speak of, and in that case I foresee that we shall have no end of trouble.  I know you are both aware of the nature of Mr. Penfold’s will, and you may be sure that if those sisters of his also know of it—­whether they do or not I can’t say—­they will bitterly resent it.  I know enough of the family history to know that.  It was evident by Miss Penfold’s answer to me to-day that either she does not know the secret of this hiding-place—­which is of course possible—­or that if she does know she does not mean to say.  I should imagine myself that she does know.
“’Had Herbert Penfold been of age when his father died it is likely enough that he only as head of the family would have been told by his father of its existence; but you see he was but a lad at that time, while the Miss Penfolds were women, and were therefore probably informed of the secret.  It is very awkward, extremely awkward.  Of course the will may turn up between this and the funeral; but if not I hardly know what steps had best be taken.  If those Penfold women have made up their minds that this will shall not see the light they are likely to carry it through to the end.  My husband quite agreed with Mr. Tallboys about that, and so do I. I have never been able to abide them, though, as my husband says, they are good women in many respects, and always ready to help in parish matters.  Still I can’t abide them, nor I am sure have you any reason to do so; for when I and my husband first came here we learned a good deal of the part they had played in a certain matter, and that of course set me altogether against them.
“Of course, my dear Mrs. Conway, I do not wish to alarm you about the will; still you ought to know how things stand, and my husband this morning asked me to tell you all there was
Project Gutenberg
One of the 28th from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.