One of the 28th eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 444 pages of information about One of the 28th.

One of the 28th eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 444 pages of information about One of the 28th.

“Well, Mabel, at that time the chance of our ever hearing anything of the will was so remote that I think both your mother and myself had entirely given up hope, and I am sure we should never have taken any more steps in the matter.  Fortunately Mrs. Conway possesses a great deal more energy and perseverance than we have, and when she found that we gave it up, and that Mr. Tallboys gave it up, she determined to take the matter in her own hands.  Now she will tell us how she has succeeded, and you must listen quietly and not ask more questions than you can help till she has finished.”

“Well, my dear,” Mrs. Conway went on, “Mr. Tallboys, Mr. Penfold’s lawyer, did everything he possibly could to find the will, but he could not do so; and as my son was with you the person that had been robbed, I thought it was my duty to undertake the search myself.”

Mrs. Conway then related step by step the measures she had taken to obtain a situation as servant at the Hall, and then went on to tell the manner in which she had carried on the search, and how success had finally crowned her efforts, her story being frequently interrupted by exclamations and questions from her hearers.

“What do you mean to do next?” Mr. Withers asked when she concluded.

“I will ask you to drive me over at once to Weymouth.  I shall not feel comfortable until I have placed the will in Mr. Tallboys’ hands; and directly I have done that I shall go over to Brussels.  I may perhaps get there before any great battle is fought; and I should like to see Ralph before that, if possible, and at any rate be there to nurse him if he was wounded.  I shall ask Mr. Tallboys if he can spare time to go across with me to Brussels.  I should not want him to stop there, but only to take me over.  I should think there would be no difficulty in hiring a small vessel at Weymouth to take me to Ostend, especially as money is no object now.  If Mr. Tallboys cannot spare time himself, he can send a clerk with me or get somebody who will take me in charge; but at any rate I intend to go by myself if necessary.  I do not suppose it will cause any delay about the will, Mr. Withers; for of course there must be some trouble in having it proved.”

“It can make no difference, Mrs. Conway.  I do not give that the least thought.  I will go round at once and tell William to put in the horses.”

“Mabel and I will go over too, James,” Mrs. Withers said; “we cannot sit quiet all day after this excitement.  Beside, I want to hear what Mr. Tallboys says.”

Mr. Withers returned in a few minutes, looking grave.

“William has just come up from the village, and says that half an hour ago a man rode up from the Hall with word that the doctor was to go over at once, for that Eleanor Penfold had just had a stroke or fit of some sort and was terribly bad.  I am sorry this new trouble has befallen them; but they have brought it entirely upon themselves, poor ladies.  However, justice must be done; but I am sure you will agree with me, Mrs. Conway, that if the matter can possibly be arranged without exposure and publicity it shall be done so.”

Project Gutenberg
One of the 28th from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.