Atlantida eBook

Pierre Benoit (novelist)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about Atlantida.

Atlantida eBook

Pierre Benoit (novelist)
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 237 pages of information about Atlantida.

“‘This Fialin isn’t over tactful,’ muttered the Emperor.

“’Just so, Sire.  Then, does Your Majesty know what Gramont hurled at him?’


“’He said to him, “Monsieur le Duc, I forbid you to speak ill of my mistress before me.”

“‘Gramont goes too far,’ said Napoleon with a dreamy smile.

“’That is what we all thought, including Viel-Castel, who was nevertheless delighted.’

“‘Apropos of this,’ said Napoleon after a silence, ’I have forgotten to ask you for news of the Countess Bielowsky.’

“‘She is very well, Sire, I thank Your Majesty,’

“‘And Clementine?  Still the same dear child?’

“‘Always, Sire.  But....’

“‘It seems that M. Baroche is madly in love with her.’

“’I am very much honored, Sire.  But this honor becomes too burdensome.’

“I had drawn from my pocket that morning’s bills and I spread them out under the eyes of the Emperor.

“He looked at them with his distant smile.

“’Come, come.  If that is all, I can fix that, since I have a favor to ask of you.’

“‘I am entirely at Your Majesty’s service.’

“He struck a gong.

“‘Send for M. Mocquard.’

“‘I have the grippe,’ he said.  ’Mocquard will explain the affair to you.’

“The Emperor’s private secretary entered.

“‘Here is Bielowsky, Mocquard,’ said Napoleon.  ’You know what I want him to do.  Explain it to him.’

“And he began to tap on the window-panes against which the rain was beating furiously.

“‘My dear Count,’ said Mocquard, taking a chair, ’it is very simple.  You have doubtless heard of a young explorer of promise, M. Henry Duveyrier.’

“I shook my head as a sign of negation, very much surprised at this beginning.

“‘M.  Duveyrier,’ continued Mocquard, ’has returned to Paris after a particularly daring trip to South Africa and the Sahara.  M. Vivien de Saint Martin, whom I have seen recently has assured me that the Geographical Society intends to confer its great gold medal upon him, in recognition of these exploits.  In the course of his trip, M. Duveyrier has entered into negotiations with the chief of the people who always have been so rebellious to His Majesty’s armies, the Tuareg.’

“I looked at the Emperor.  My bewilderment was such that he began to laugh.

“‘Listen,’ he said.

“‘M.  Duveyrier,’ continued Mocquard, ’was able to arrange to have a delegation of these chiefs come to Paris to present their respects to His Majesty.  Very important results may arise from this visit, and His Excellency the Colonial Minister, does not despair of obtaining the signature of a treaty of commerce, reserving special advantages to our fellow countrymen.  These chiefs, five of them, among them Sheik Otham, Amenokol or Sultan of the Confederation of Adzjer, arrive to-morrow morning at the Gare de Lyon.  M. Duveyrier will meet them.  But the Emperor has thought that besides....’

Project Gutenberg
Atlantida from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.