The Story of Geographical Discovery eBook

Joseph Jacobs
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about The Story of Geographical Discovery.

The Story of Geographical Discovery eBook

Joseph Jacobs
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 165 pages of information about The Story of Geographical Discovery.
1519.  Fernando Magellan starts on the circumnavigation of the globe.
1519.  Guray explores north coast of Gulf of Mexico.
1520.  Schoner’s second globe.
1520.  Magellan sees Monte Video, discovers Patagonia and Tierra del
Fuego, and traverses the Pacific.
1520-26.  Alvarez explores the Soudan.
1521.  Magellan discovers the Ladrones (Marianas), and is killed on
the Philippines.
1522.  Magellan’s ship Victoria, under Sebastian del Cano,
reaches Spain, having circumnavigated the globe in three years.
1524.  Verazzano, on behalf of the French King, coasts from Cape Fear
to New Hampshire.
1527.  Saavedra sails from west coast of Mexico to the Moluccas.
1529.  Line of demarcation between Spanish and Portuguese fixed at
17 deg. east of Moluccas.
1531.  Francisco Pizarro conquers Peru.
1532.  Cortez visits California.
1534.  Jacques Cartier explores the gull and river of St. Lawrence.
1535.  Diego d’Almagro conquers Chili.
1536.  Gonsalo Pizarro passes the Andes.
1537-58.  Ferdinand Mendez Pinto travels to Abyssinia, India, the Malay
Archipelago, China, and Japan.
1538.  Gerhardt Mercator begins his career as geographer. (Globe,
1541; projection, 1569; died 1594; atlas, 1595).
1539.  Francesco de Ulloa explores the Gulf of California.
1541.  Orellana sails down the Amazon.
1542.  Ruy Lopez de Villalobos discovers New Philippines, Garden
Islands, and Pelew Islands, and takes possession of the
Philippines for Spain.
1542.  Cabrillo advances as far as Cape Mendocino.
1542.  Japan first visited by Antonio de Mota.
1542.  Gaetano sees the Sandwich Islands.
1543.  Ortez de Retis discovers New Guinea.
1544.  Sebastian Munster’s Cosmographia.
1549.  Bareto and Homera explore the lower Zambesi.
1553.  Sir Hugh Willoughby attempts the North-East Passage past North
Cape, and sights Novaya Zemlya.
1554.  Richard Chancellor, Willoughby’s pilot, reaches Archangel, and
travels overland to Moscow.
1556-72.  Antonio Laperis’ atlas published at Rome.
1558.  Anthony Jenkinson travels from Moscow to Bokhara.
1567.  Alvaro Mendana discovers Solomon Islands.
1572.  Juan Fernandez discovers his island, and St. Felix and St.
Ambrose Islands.
1573.  Abraham Ortelius’ Teatrum Orbis Terrarum.
1576.  Martin Frobisher discovers his bay.
1577-79.  Francis Drake circumnavigates the globe, and explores the west
coast of North America.
1579.  Yermak Timovief seizes Sibir on the Irtish.
1580.  Dutch settle in Guiana.
1586.  John Davis sails through his strait, and reaches lat. 72 deg.  N.
1590.  Battel visits the lower Congo.
1592.  The Molyneux globe.
1592.  Juan de Fuca imagines he has discovered an immense sea in the
north-west of North America.
1596.  William Barentz discovers Spitzbergen, and reaches lat. 80 deg.  N.
1596.  Payz traverses the Horn of Africa,
Project Gutenberg
The Story of Geographical Discovery from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.