Holidays at Roselands eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Holidays at Roselands.

Holidays at Roselands eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 342 pages of information about Holidays at Roselands.

“Elsie!” he exclaimed, in his sternest tone; and not daring to utter another word, trembling and weeping, she hastened from the room, and shut herself up as he had bidden her.

The closet was large, and there was a stool she could sit on; but when she had shut the door, it was both dark and cold.  It was a dismal place to be in, and poor Elsie wondered how long she would have to stay there.

It seemed a long, long time; so long that she began to think it must be night, and to fear that perhaps her papa had forgotten all about having sent her there, or that he considered her so very naughty as to deserve to stay there all night.

But at last she heard his step, and then he opened the door and called, “Elsie!”

“Yes, papa, I am here,” she replied in a trembling voice, full of tears.

“Come to me,” he said; and then, as he took her hand, “Why, how cold you are, child,” he exclaimed; “I am really sorry you have been so long in that dismal place.  I did not intend to punish you so severely, and should not have kept you there more than half an hour, at the very longest; but company came in, and I quite forgot you.”

While speaking thus he had led her up to the fire and sat down with her on his knee.  “My poor darling!” he said, “these little hands are very cold, let papa rub them; and are your feet cold too?”

“Yes sir,” she replied, and he pulled off her shoes and stockings, and moving his chair closer to the fire, held her feet out toward the blaze, and rubbed them in his warm hands.

“You have been crying a good deal,” he said, looking keenly into her face.

“Yes, papa,” she replied, dropping her face on his breast and bursting into tears; “I thought you were going to leave me there all night.”

“Did you? and were you afraid?”

“No, papa, not afraid, because I know you would be sleeping in the next room; and besides, God could take care of me as well in the closet as anywhere else.  Is it getting night, papa, or morning?”

“It is beginning to grow dark,” he said.  “But tell me why you cried, if you were not afraid.”

“Partly because I was uncomfortable, papa, but more because I was sorry I had been naughty, and displeased you, and afraid that I can never learn to be good.”

“It is very strange,” he remarked, “that you cannot learn not to ask to do what I have forbidden.  I shall have to punish you every time you do it; for you must learn that no means no, and that you are never to coax or tease after papa has once said it.  I love my little girl very dearly, and want to do all I can to make her happy, but I must have her entirely submissive and obedient to me.  But stop crying now,” he added, wiping her eyes with his handkerchief.  “Kiss me, and tell me you are going to be a good girl, and I will forgive you this time.”

“I will try, papa,” she said, holding up her face for the kiss; “and I would not have asked to play that, but the children begged me so, and I thought you only said I mustn’t, because you didn’t want me to sit on the floor; and we were going to try it on the table.”

Project Gutenberg
Holidays at Roselands from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.