Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 155 pages of information about Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections).

Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 155 pages of information about Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections).
1833.  Postmaster of     1833.  Douglas moved     1833.  Founding of the
New Salem; deputy       to Illinois.             American Anti-Slavery
surveyor’s clerk.                                Society.
1834.  Elected to the    1834.  Douglas admitted
legislature.            to the bar.

1835.  Douglas elected
State’s Attorney.

1836.  Reelected to 1836.  Douglas elected
the legislature. to the legislature. 
Presidential Elector.

1837.  Admitted to 1837.  Douglas 1837.  Van Buren
the bar.  Moved appointed Registrar President.  Murder
to Springfield. of the Land Office; of Owen Lovejoy.
nominated for

1838.  Reelected to
the legislature.

1840.  Presidential 1840.  Douglas
Elector. appointed Judge
of the Illinois
Supreme Court.

1841.  Harrison
President.  Tyler

1843.  Married to
Mary Todd.

1844.   Presidential      1844.  Douglas elected
Elector.                 to Congress.

1845.  Polk President. 
Texas admitted as a

1846.  Elected to 1846-48.  War with Mexico. 

1847.  Douglas elected
U.S.  Senator; moved
to Chicago.

1848.  Presidential

1849.  Taylor President.

1850.  Death of

1850.  Fillmore President. 
Clay’s Compromise

1852.  Death of Clay
and of Webster.

1853.  Douglas 1853.  Pierce President.
reelected Senator.

1854.  Reelected to the                          1854.  Kansas-Nebraska
legislature.                                     Bill.

1855.  Resigned from the
legislature.  Candidate
for the U. S. Senate.

1856.  Candidate for 1856.  Fremont first
nomination for Republican candidate for
Vice-President. the presidency.  Civil
war in Kansas.

1857.  Buchanan President. 
The Dred Scott Decision.

1858.  Candidate for                             1858.  Lincoln-Douglas
the U. S. Senate.                                Debates.

1859.  Douglas 1859.  Death of John
reelected Brown.
to the Senate.

1860.  Cooper Institute 1860.  Douglas 1860.  South Carolina
Address.  Elected Democratic Ordinance of Secession. 
President. candidate
for the Presidency.

1861.  Left Springfield, 1861.  Douglas died, 1861.  Fall of Fort Sumter,
Feb. 11; inaugurated June 3.  April 12.  Battle
March 4.  McClellan of Bull Run, July 21. 
Commander-in-Chief.  Kansas admitted as a

Project Gutenberg
Lincoln's Inaugurals, Addresses and Letters (Selections) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.