The Lure of the North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Lure of the North.

The Lure of the North eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Lure of the North.

“Talent will make its way anywhere,” Farnam remarked consolingly.

“I don’t know!  Agatha’s proud and has no use for the cheap tricks that help you get ahead of the other man.  She won’t advertise her smartness and she’s too dignified to snatch at chances among the scrambling crowd.  I’ve pushed through; but it has put some marks on me, and I’m most afraid my sister’s going to be hurt.”

“You’re taking it for granted she won’t find the lode,” Farnam resumed.

“Shucks!” said George with scorn.  “All the comfort I’ve got is knowing she won’t have the money to waste on looking for the ore again—­”

He stopped and listened to a rattle of wheels.  “Some of your friends coming?  Don’t mean to be rude, but I hope they’re not.  I’m not in a mood to talk to strangers.”

“We expect nobody,” Farnam replied.  “I ordered some goods from Kingston, and Gordon’s man promised to bring them from the depot if they came.”

The rattle got louder, but the trees hid the rig, which was approaching the back of the house.  It stopped, there were steps in the hall, and Mrs. Farnam turned with an exclamation.  Farnam pushed his chair back and George sprang upright as Agatha came out on the veranda.

She was very brown and thin; her clothes were new, but obviously cheap and the fit was bad.  As she glanced at the group she smiled and there was nothing in her tranquil manner to indicate the repentant prodigal.  She kissed Mrs. Farnam and gave George her hand.

“It really looks as if you were rather surprised than pleased,” she remarked.

“We’re both,” said Mrs. Farnam.  “But how did you come?  It’s some time since the Toronto train got in.  George has been here nearly an hour.”

“Your neighbor’s hired man drove me from the station.  I came by Amprior and Prescott; there was a wash-out on the Sudbury track.  But what was George doing at Toronto?”

“Looking after your business,” George replied.  “I’m afraid you’ve got to brace up.  They told me you were fired!”

Agatha laughed.  “I expected something like that!  It really doesn’t matter.”

“It doesn’t matter!” George exclaimed, and gasped with indignation.  “Anyhow, it matters to me.  I’ve been fuming and fretting since I saw your principal.”  He turned to the others, as if for support.  “What can you do with a girl who talks in this way?  How’m I to make her understand?”

“I think you had better wait a little,” Mrs. Farnam said and glanced at Agatha.  “But did you travel in those clothes, my dear?  Where did you buy them?”

“At a bush store,” said Agatha, smiling.  “They were not as cheap as they look, and my others had worn to rags.  Besides, I hadn’t much time, and it wasn’t worth while to bother about my dress.”

“You don’t seem to bother about much,” George remarked.  “In fact, you’ve come back with a lordly calm that’s as exasperating as it’s unjustifiable.”

Project Gutenberg
The Lure of the North from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.