The Nervous Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about The Nervous Housewife.

The Nervous Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about The Nervous Housewife.

Take as one minor example the gorging encouraged on Sunday and certain holidays.  The housewife feels it her duty to slave in a kitchen all Sunday morning that an over-big meal may be eaten in half an hour by her family.  She encourages gluttony by feeling that her standing as cook is directly proportional to the heartiness of her meal.  Thanksgiving, Christmas,—­the good cheer of gluttony is sentimentalized and hallowed into poetry and music.  The table that groans under its good cheer has its sequence in the diners who groan without cheer.

While we might further dilate on the physical deficiencies and inefficiencies of the segregated home, there is a disadvantage of vaster importance.  After all, institutionalized cooking is rarely satisfactory, because it lacks the spirit of good home cooking, the desire to meet individual taste without profit.  It lacks the ideal of service.

There are bad effects from the segregation and the privacy of the home, even of the good kind.  For there are very many bad homes; those in which drunkenness, immorality, quarreling, selfishness, improvidence, brutality, and crime are taught by example.  After all, we like to speak too much in generalities—­the Home, Woman, Man, Labor, Capital, Mankind—­forgetting there is no such thing as “the Home.”  There are homes of all kinds with every conceivable ideal of life and training and having only one thing in common,—­that they are segregated social units, based usually on the family relationship.  Montaigne very truly said approximately this:  “He who generalizes says ‘Hello’ to a crowd; he who knows shakes hands with individuals.”

In the first place the home (to show my inconsistency in regard to generalizing) is the place where prejudice is born, nourished, and grown to its fullest proportions.  The child born and reared in a home is exposed to the contagion of whatever silliness and prejudice actuate the lives and dominate the thought and feeling of its parents.  And the quirks and twists to which it is exposed affect its life either positively or negatively, for it either accepts their prejudices or develops counter-prejudices against them.  To cite a familiar case; it is traditional that some of the children brought up overstrictly, overcarefully, throw off as soon as possible and as completely as possible conventional morals and manners.  Such persons have simply overreacted to their training, revolted against the prejudice of their teaching by building counter-prejudices.

Further, the home fosters an anti-social feeling, or perhaps it would be kinder to say a non-social feeling.  Your home-loving person comes in the course of time to that state of mind where little else is of importance; the home becomes the only place where his sympathies and his altruistic purposes find any real outlet.  The capitalist of the stage (and of real life too) is one so devoted to his home and family that he decorates one and the other with the trophies of other homes.  There is none so devoted to his home as the peasant, and there is no one so individualistic, so intent in his own prosperity.  The home encourages an intense altruism, but usually a narrow one.  The feeling of warmth and comfort of the hearth fire when a blizzard rages outside too often makes us forget the poor fellows in the blizzard.

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Housewife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.