The Nervous Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about The Nervous Housewife.

The Nervous Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about The Nervous Housewife.

This is to say:  The human being needs primarily a definite point of view, a definite starting place for his actions.  Some belief, some goal, some definite purpose is needed for the rallying of the energy of mind and body.  Drifting is intolerable to the acute, active mind bent upon some achievement before death.  Man is the only animal keenly aware of his mortality, and consequently he is the only one to fear the passing of time.  This passing of time can be received equably by the one conscious of achievement, or who has some compensation in belief and purpose; it becomes intolerable to those in doubt.

Fundamentally one may say that neurasthenia and the allied diseases which we are here summing up as the nervousness of the housewife are reactions to the disagreeable.  The fatigue, pains and aches, changes in mood and emotion are born of this reaction, except in those cases where they arise from definite bodily disease, and even here a vicious circle is established.  The weakness and fatigue state, the consciousness of impaired power brought about by sickness, are reacted to in a neurasthenic manner.  It is not often enough realized by physicians that a physical defect or a physical injury may be reacted to so as to bring about nervous and mental symptoms; may cause the emotions of fear, hopeless anger, and sorrow; may cause an agony of doubt.

With these few words on types of reactions to the disagreeable let us turn again to the disagreeable factors in our housewife’s life which may cause her neurosis.

The child is the central bond of the home and is of course the biological reason for marriage.  The maternal instinct has long been recognized as one of the great civilizing factors, the source of much of human sympathy and the gentler emotions.  While the beautiful side of the mother-child relationship is well known and cannot be overestimated, the maternal instinct has its fierce, its jealous, its narrow aspect.  Love and sympathy for one’s own in a competitive world have often as their natural results injustice and hardness for the children of others.  While the best type of mother irradiates her love for her own into love for all children, it is not uncommon for women to find their chiefest source of rivalry in the progress and welfare of their children.

Maternal devotion is largely its own reward.  The child takes the maternal sacrifices for granted, and after the first few years the interests of parent and child diverge.  There is a never-ending struggle between the rising and the receding generations, which is inherent in the nature of things and will always exist wherever the young are free.  All the world honors the mother, but few children return in anything like equality the love and sacrifices of their own mother.

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Housewife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.