The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
  Peru, discovery of, 432
  Peter the Great, anecdotes of, 300—­308
    character of, 361
  Peter Pence, origin of, 343
  Peter Simple, life of, 121
  Petition to Time, 11
  Petit-or, value of, 425
  Petrarch’s Tomb, 169
  Phillips, Col., recollections of, 402
  Phrenology, curiosities of, 45
  Physician’s Fees, 261
  Pic Nic at Tempe, 15
  Pickpockets, qualifications of, 334
  Piracy in olden times, 26
  Pitch-in-the-hole, ancient, 320
  Pitt, Mr., statue of, 40
  Plaint of certain coral beads, 406
  Plants, light and air on, 262
    in rooms, 263
  Poets, Major and Minor, 51
  Pompadour, Madame de, her toilette, by Voltaire, 163
  Pompeii, antiquities of, 412
  Poor Laws, origin of, 327
  Popes, List of, 416
  Portdown Fair described, 121
  Portugal, antiquity of, 48
    manners and customs in, 69
  Posts for Letters, origin of, 322
  Post Office, revenue of, 440
  Potato, economy of, 127
  Poverty, Owen Feltham on, 414
  Prayer, a fragment, 179
  Precious Stones, varieties of, 77
  Preservation of the Human Body, 133
  Primrose, withered, lines on, 95
  Printer, studious, 128
  Printing, invention of, 143
    from wooden blocks, 55
  Prison Discipline in America, 286
  Psalmody, origin of, 146
  Public Credit explained, 142
  Punctuality of Colonel Boswell, 448
  Quadroon Girl, a song, 46
  Quin and Macklin, 367
  Quizzing, literary, 144
  Railway, Liverpool and Manchester, 112
  Raw Materials, 56
  Recollections of a Wanderer 21—­373
  Records in the Tower of London, 279
  Regent-street, charms of, 365
  Regulating Power, 55
  Relics of Popery, 344
  Religious Fastings, 195
  Resting-place, the, 354
  Review, the first, 176
  Rhyming Ruminations on London Bridge, 26
  Rising, advantages of early, 16
  Robespierre, anecdote of, 95
    fall of, 106
  Robin Hood, history of, 180—­204
  Rome, by T. Moore, 364
  Romeo and Juliet, story of, 118
  Romney, antiquity of, 294
  Rose of the Castle, 133
    of Edendale, by L.E.L., 335
    lines to, 221
  Rotuma, island of, described, 376
  Roundelaye, ancient, 16
  Royalty, freaks of, 207
  Rubens, memoir of, 381
  Ruby, beauty of, 78
  Rye, antiquity of, 295
  Salads, antiquity of, 358
  Salt, fine basket, 425
    good effects of, 265
  Saltpetre, manufacture of, 88
  Sandwich, antiquity of, 295
  Sapphires, beauty of, 77
  Sargasso Weed, account of, 136
  Satin-stone Necklaces, 342
  Saving time in natural operations, 55
  Savoyard, the, a ballad, 275
  School Building in the High Alps, 171
  Schoolmaster’s experience in Newgate, 333
  Schools before the Reformation, 75
  Sciences, progress of, 266
  Scipio, continence of, 258
  Scotch “Bluid,” anecdote of, 123
Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.