The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.

The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 34 pages of information about The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction.
  Bailly, physician to Henry IV., 96
  Bar, anecdotes of the, 277
  Barbel, large, 96
  Bat, new species of, 408
  Bath in Persia, described, 145
  Baths, ancient and modern, 372
  Battle, fish, 354
  Beaches, sea, changes of, 79
  Bear-hunting in Canada, 91
  Beatrice Adony and Julius Alvinzi, a tale, 420
  Beauchief Abbey, described, 113
  Becket, murder of, 114
  Bede, Venerable, memoir of, 440
  Beefeaters, origin of, 80
  Bees, economy of, 38
  Beet root sugar, 88
  Beetle, ravages of, 175
  Bell, ancient, 345
  Belvoir Castle, history of, 129
  Bennett, Mr. George, visit to Rotuma, 377
  Berwick, siege of, 222
  Bewick, the engraver, birthplace of, 17
  Bibb, the engraver, 368
  Birds, bills of, 96
  Birds, how they fly, 134
  Birds, migration of, 40
  Black Lady of Brabant, 140
  Blacking, antiquity of, 192
  Blessington, lady, her conversations with Lord Byron,
  Blind Seal, the, a tale, 298
  Blood, price of, 71
  Bloodless War, 336
  Boar’s head at Christmas, 431
  Bolsover Castle described, 161
  Bond, Mr. Sergeant, anecdote of, 278
  Bones, waste of, 366
  Borough, origin of the term, 211
  Boy Burglars, account of, 333
  Books, new, noticed and quoted: 
    Abrantes, Duchess of, her memoirs, 47—­106—­191
    Babbage’s Economy of Machinery and Manufactures, 27—­54
    Barrington’s Sketches, 52
    Biblical Atlas, 44
    British Museum, 140—­158
    Buccaneer, 428
    Byron’s Works, 12
    Catechism of Phrenology, 45
    Characteristics of Women, 117
    Contarini Fleming, 10
    Double Trial, 125
    Elements of Chemistry, 206
    Encyclopaedia Americana, 102
    Excursions in India, by Capt.  Skinner, 105
    Framlingham, a Poem, 306
    Geography, Questions in, 45
    Gordon on Elemental Locomotion, 183—­198
    Knowledge for the People, 77—­134—­429
    Life of Peter the Great, 300—­308
    Laconics, 31
    Legends of the Library at Lilies, 350—­403
    Legends of the Rhine, 138
    Life of Charlemagne, by G.P.R.  James, 92—­119
    Lives of Scottish Worthies, 221—­233
    Macculloch’s Dictionary of Commerce, 151—­279
    Memoir of Felix Neff, 147—­171
    Natural Magic, by Sir David Brewster, 72—­107—­191
    New Gil Blas, 186
    Numismatic Manual, 223
    Outlines of General Knowledge, 45
    Pilgrimage through Khuzistan and Persia, 73—­314
    Pompeii, 412
    Popular Zoology, 57
    Private Correspondence of a Woman of Fashion, 157—­165—­235
    Sketches from Venetian History, 60
    Songs, by Barry Cornwall, 11—­46
    Statistical Sketches of Upper Canada, 29—­57—­91
    Taylor’s Records of his Life, 291—­317
    Trials of Charles I., 41
    Wild Sports of the West, 298
  Brain of Man, 96
Project Gutenberg
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.