The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

The Thirteenth Chair eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 104 pages of information about The Thirteenth Chair.

MASON.  So am I.

(The men resume their places.)

ROSALIE.  Well, now, if you will all sit down, please—­ (Pause.) You will have to reach over and take my hands this time—­are you all satisfied now?  Is there anything more you want me to do? (There is no answer.) Then if you will all sit quiet, just keep your minds perfectly free, that is all you ’ave to do.  Now, sir, please to turn out the light.

(WILLIAM turns out the light.)

(There is a long pause. ROSALIE moans and whispers as if in pain.)

HELEN.  I can’t stand this, I—­

WALES.  Please keep still—­she asked us to keep still.

(ROSALIE moans again; after a short pause, she gives a choking sob; another pause.  Finally she speaks with frequent pauses, using the voice of a little child.)

ROSALIE.  Laughing Eyes is sad, very sad.  I a ma long way off—­a long way. (Pause.) Bad people, bad people, un’appy—­he is un’appy—­ (Pause.) (Knife is set down in sight of audience, sticking in the ceiling.) Spencer wants to tell Ned—­ (She moans heavily.) It hurts—­terrible—­like a knife—­it burns—­burns, in the back—­

(A man’s voice from the chesterfield, facing fireplace, speaks:)

VOICE.  Ned, I want Ned—­why in Hell doesn’t Ned answer?

ROSALIE (in child’s voice).  He wants to talk to Ned—­is Ned here?

STANDISH.  Ned who?  Who is it?  Who does he want to speak to?

ROSALIE (in child’s voice).  Tell Ned it is Spencer—­Spencer wants to tell Ned about the letters and the pain in the back—­in the back.

STANDISH.  What was in the back? (There is no answer.) Ask him what was in the back?

ROSALIE (still using child’s voice).  The knife—­Ned—­he wants Ned.

WALES.  What do you want!

ROSALIE.  A swimming pool—­do not forget the swimming pool.  Do not ever forget—­

WALES.  You mean the time he went in after me when I was drowning?  When we were little boys?  Is that what he wants me to remember?

ROSALIE.  Spencer says he cannot rest—­he wants to tell you it is hard to reach—­too far away—­you promised—­

WALES.  Promised what?  When did I promise!

ROSALIE.  Your life saved—­

WALES.  Now I know—­I told him I’d do anything in the world for him. 
Spencer, of course, I remember—­what do you want me to do?

ROSALIE.  Find—­find—­

WALES.  Do you want me to find the letters?

ROSALIE.  In the back—­someone came—­someone came.

WALES.  You’re trying to tell who killed you?

ROSALIE.  Ask—­ask—­ask.

WALES.  You want me to ask questions?  Is that it?  You mean you can’t talk much?

ROSALIE.  Too far away.

CROSBY.  You know who killed you?

(There is a pause, but no answer.)

Project Gutenberg
The Thirteenth Chair from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.