English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.

English Grammar in Familiar Lectures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 386 pages of information about English Grammar in Familiar Lectures.

“I don’t think it is so.”  You do think, that it is not so.

Ever, always. “I have ever been of this mind.”  I have always been. Ever and always are not synonymous. Ever refers to one indefinite period of time; as, “If he ever become rich:”  always means at all times.

Excuse, pardon. The former signifies to release from an obligation which refers to the future; the latter, to forgive a neglect or crime that is past.  “Excuse me for neglecting to call yesterday:”  pardon me.

Remember, recollect. We remember a thing which we retain in our mind; we recollect it, when, though having gone from the mind, we have power to call it back.

Defect, deficiency. A thing which is incomplete in any of its parts, is defective; a total absence of the thing, is a deficiency.

This subject will be resumed in the appendix to this work.

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From among those words which are often erroneously spelled, the following are selected and corrected according to Johnson, and to Cobb’s Dictionary.

Abridgement         Abridgment
abscision           abcission
achievment          achievement
adze                addice
agriculturalist     agriculturist
ancle               ankle
attornies           attorneys
baise               baize
bason               basin
bass                base
bombazin            bombasin
boose               bouse
boult               bolt
buccaneer           bucanier
burthen             burden
bye                 by
calimanco           calamanco
camblet             camlet
camphire            camphor
canvas              canvass
carcase             carcass
centinel            sentinel
chace               chase
chalibeate          chalybeate
chamelion           chameleon
chimist             chemist
chimistry           chemistry
cholic              colic
chuse               choose
cimetar             cimeter
clench              clinch
cloke               cloak
cobler              cobbler
chimnies            chimneys
chesnut             chestnut
clue                clew
connection          connexion
corset              corslet
cypher              cipher
cyphering           ciphering
dactyl              dactyle
develope            develop
dipthong            diphthong
dispatch            despatch
doat                dote
drouth              drought
embitter            imbitter
embody              imbody
enquire             inquire
enquirer            inquirer
enquiry             inquiry
ensnare             insnare
enterprize          enterprise
enthral             inthrall
entrench            intrench
entrenchment        intrenchment
entrust             intrust
enwrap              inwrap
epaulette           epaulet
etherial            ethereal

Project Gutenberg
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.