Readings on Fascism and National Socialism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Readings on Fascism and National Socialism.

Readings on Fascism and National Socialism eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Readings on Fascism and National Socialism.

     _...  All states bordering on Germany have received much more
     binding assurances, and above all suggestions, than Mr.
     Roosevelt asked from me in his curious telegram ..._

The German Government is nevertheless prepared to give each of the States named an assurance of the kind desired by Mr. Roosevelt on the condition of absolute reciprocity, provided that the State wishes it and itself addresses to Germany a request for such an assurance together with appropriate proposals.[110]

And on September 1, 1939, with reference to the recently concluded pact between Germany and Russia, he said: 

You know that Russia and Germany are governed by two different doctrines.  There was only one question that had to be cleared up.  Germany has no intention of exporting its doctrine.  Given the fact that Soviet Russia has no intention of exporting its doctrine to Germany, I no longer see any reason why we should still oppose one another.  On both sides we are clear on that.  Any struggle between our people would only be of advantage to others.  We have, therefore, resolved to conclude a pact which rules out forever any use of violence between us.[111]

Additional assurances of this nature are quoted in a series of extracts from Hitler’s speeches, dating from February 10, 1933 to September 1, 1939, which was printed in the London Times of September 26, 1939 (document 14, post p. 232).

2.  Internal Propaganda

Within Germany the notorious propaganda machine of Dr. Goebbels, together with a systematic terrorization of oppositionist elements, has been the principle support of the rise and triumph of the Nazi movement.  In his Legal Organization and Legal Functions of the Movement (document 8, post p. 204), Gauweiler gives an idea of the permeation of all phases of national life with a propaganda designed to make Nazi “legal principles” acceptable to the masses.  He makes it clear that all of the Nazi propaganda machinery is in the service of this program; political lecturers, the press, the radio, and the films all play a part in helping the people to understand and appreciate the new legal code.  The schools and Hitler Youth groups provide instruction for all young people in the fundamentals of National Socialist law, and pupils in those schools which train the carefully selected future leaders are given an especially strong dose of Nazi legal theory and practice.

In order to appeal to the broadest audience, Nazi propaganda has always sought to present all questions in the simplest possible terms.  Goebbels himself, in his Nature and Form of National Socialism (document 2, post p. 170), wrote as follows: 

Project Gutenberg
Readings on Fascism and National Socialism from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.