Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 548 pages of information about Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I..

Ca. Pray don’t ask Questions about that which don’t concern you.

Eu. But it does very much concern me, since I can’t be chearful myself, without you be so too.  See now, there’s another Sigh, and a deep one too!

Ca. There is indeed something that troubles my Mind.  But I must not tell it.

Eu. What, won’t you tell it me, that love you more dearly than I do my own Sister:  My Katy, don’t be afraid to speak; be it what it will you are safe.

Ca. If I should be safe enough, yet I’m afraid I shall be never the better in telling my Tale to one that can do me no good.

Eu. How do you know that?  If I can’t serve you in the Thing itself, perhaps I may in Counsel or Consolation.

Ca. I can’t speak it out.

Eu. What is the Matter?  Do you hate me?

Ca. I love you more dearly than my own Brother, and yet for all that my Heart won’t let me divulge it.

Eu. Will you tell me, if I guess it?  Why do you quibble now?  Give me your Word, or I’ll never let you alone till I have it out.

Ca. Well then, I do give you my Word.

Eu. Upon the whole of the Matter, I can’t imagine what you should want of being compleatly happy.

Ca. I would I were so.

Eu. You are in the very Flower of your Age:  If I’m not mistaken, you are now in your seventeenth Year.

Ca. That’s true.

Eu. So that in my Opinion the Fear of old Age can’t yet be any Part of your Trouble.

Ca. Nothing less, I assure you.

Eu. And you are every Way lovely, and that is the singular Gift of God.

Ca. Of my Person, such as it is, I neither glory nor complain.

Eu. And besides the Habit of your Body and your Complexion bespeak you to be in perfect Health, unless you have some hidden Distemper.

Ca. Nothing of that, I thank God.

Eu. And besides, your Credit is fair.

Ca. I trust it is.

Eu. And you are endow’d with a good Understanding suitable to the Perfections of your Body, and such a one as I could wish to myself, in order to my Attainment of the liberal Sciences.

Ca. If I have, I thank God for it.

Eu. And again, you are of a good agreeable Humour, which is rarely met with in great Beauties, they are not wanting neither.

Ca. I wish they were such as they should be.

Eu. Some People are uneasy at the Meanness of their Extraction, but your Parents are both of them well descended, and virtuous, of plentiful Fortunes, and very kind to you.

Ca. I have nothing to complain of upon that Account.

Eu. What Need of many Words?  Of all the young Women in the Country you are the Person I would chuse for a Wife, if I were in Condition to pretend to’t.

Project Gutenberg
Colloquies of Erasmus, Volume I. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.