Almoran and Hamet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Almoran and Hamet.

Almoran and Hamet eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Almoran and Hamet.
and HAMET’S fondness for retirement:  he observed, in Hamet, a placid easiness of temper, which might suffer the reins of government to lie too loose; and, in Almoran, a quickness of resentment, and jealousy of command, which might hold them too tight:  he hoped, therefore, that by leaving them a joint dominion, he should blend their dispositions, at least in their effects, in every act of government that should take place; or that, however they should agree to administer their government, the public would derive benefit from the virtues of both, without danger of suffering from their imperfections, as their imperfections would only operate against each other, while, in whatever was right, their minds would naturally concur, as the coincidence of rectitude with rectitude is necessary and eternal.  But he did not consider, that different dispositions operating separately upon two different wills, would appear in effects very unlike those, which they would concur to produce in one:  that two wills, under the direction of dispositions so different, would seldom be brought to coincide; and that more mischiefs would probably arise from the contest, than from the imperfections of either alone.

But Solyman had so long applauded himself for his project before he revealed it to Omar, that Omar found him too much displeased with any objection, to consider its weight:  and knowing that peculiar notions are more rarely given up, than opinions received from others, and made our own only by adoption, he at length acquiesced, lest he should by farther opposition lose his influence, which on other occasions he might still employ to the advantage of the public; and took a solemn oath, that he would, as far as was in his power, see the will carried into execution.

To this, indeed, he consented without much reluctance, as he had little less reason to fear the sole government of Almoran, than a joint administration; and if a struggle for superiority should happen, he hoped the virtues Hamet would obtain the suffrages of the people in his favour, and establish him upon the throne alone.  But as change is itself an evil, and as changes in government are seldom produced without great confusion and calamity, he applied himself to consider in what manner the government of Almoran and Hamet could be administered, so as most effectually to blend their characters in their administration, and prevent the conduct of one from exciting jealousy in the other.

After much thought, he determined that a system of laws should be prepared, which the sons of Solyman should examine and alter till they perfectly approved, and to which they should then give the sanction of their joint authority:  that when any addition or alteration should be thought necessary, it should be made in the same manner; and that when any insuperable difference of sentiment happened, either in this or in any act of prerogative independent of the laws

Project Gutenberg
Almoran and Hamet from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.