A Book of Exposition eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about A Book of Exposition.

A Book of Exposition eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about A Book of Exposition.

There is no scientific evidence whatsoever of the existence of such a third entity, “X,” but all our deductions have been by analogy, which proves nothing—­that is, by speculation, dreaming, and unavoidably so—­since in these conceptions we are close to the border line of the human mind where logical reasoning loses itself in the fog of contradiction.  But at the same time there is no evidence against the conception of an entity “X”; it is not illogical, at least no more so than all such general conceptions, no more so than, for instance, that of energy or of matter.  As empirical science deals with energy and matter, and entity “X” is neither, it could not be observed by any of the methods of experimental physics or chemistry.

If mind is a third entity, correlated with the entities of energy and of matter, we should expect that mental activity, or entity “X,” should occur not only in the highly complex transformations of energy and of matter taking place in the brains of the highest orders of living beings, but that entity “X” should appear in all physico-chemical reactions, just as energy transformations always occur in transformations of matter, and inversely.  But this seems not so, and in most of the transformations of energy and of matter entity “X” does not appear.  However, we have no satisfactory means of recognizing entity “X,” no methods of studying it.  Therefore, it may well be that it is noticed only in those rare instances when it appears of high intensity, but in most reactions entity “X” may be so small or appear in such way as to escape observation by the means and by the methods now available.  Like energy or matter, entity “X” may have many forms in which it is not recognized by us, just as for a long time the flame was not recognized as the entity energy.

To illustrate, again by analogy:  In many transformations of matter, indeed, in most of the more complex ones of the organic world, the concurrent energy transformation is of such slowness and of such low intensity that it appears nonexisting, and can be discovered and measured only by the delicate experiments devised by science.  Furthermore, the energy may appear in different forms.  Thus the 293,000 J. of energy in equation (2) may appear as heat, or as electrical energy, or as a combination of heat, light, sound, and mechanical energy.  Now assume that we could observe and notice only one of the forms of energy—­for instance, only electrical energy.  We should then find that in the equation (1) we only sometimes get energy—­that is, electrical energy—­under special peculiar conditions, but usually do not seem to get any of the entity energy, simply because we do not recognize it in the form in which it appears.  Analogously, there might be a term of entity “X” in all transformations, even such simple ones as equation (3), but entity “X” may appear in a far different, simpler form.  It would mean that “mind” is only one form of entity “X,” perhaps

Project Gutenberg
A Book of Exposition from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.