The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book.

The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 248 pages of information about The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book.

Knowing these Drawbacks I invented Natural Food.  This, when added to cow’s milk, will prevent it curdling in heavy masses, is easily prepared, and besides this, it contains all that the growing baby needs, and thus is a valuable addition to the milk; it nourishes all the organs but clogs none.  Nine-tenths of the foods made for babies are made on wrong lines.  They either contain too much sugar, or they are too starchy, or they are deficient in bone-forming materials, or in laxative principles, or else they contain injurious chemicals.

When Inventing Natural Food I tried to overcome every obstacle and make it the best Food for infants in the market; the success that has followed its use justifies me in saying that it is second to none.  I am a practical physician, and it is my boast that I rarely lose a child in illness, and when babies are reared as I advise they are usually the admiration of all, and live to be a source of delight to their parents.

This is the Way to prepare the food for babies.  One part of water is added to two parts of fresh milk, and to each half-pint of this mixture is added a fairly heaped-up teaspoonful of Natural Food; mix well, put on the fire, bring to the boil, and when cool the food is ready.  All food should be given cool, or not warmer than the temperature of the human blood.  In place of a thermometer, the tip of the little finger is a good tester; if the food does not feel hot to this test it will be of the right temperature.  Sugar should not be added to the food, nor should tinned or condensed milk be ordinarily used.  Only under exceptional circumstances should tinned milk be used, as on board ship, or when fresh milk cannot be had.  Also quite as invaluable for nursing mothers and invalids.

[Illustration:  DR. ALLINSON’S Food FOR BABIES]

Mothers should send a post-card for free booklet, “Healthy Babies and how to Rear Them,” by T.R.  Allinson, Ex-L.R.C.P.


Natural Food in tins, 3d., 6d., 1/-; 2/6, and 5/-of all Health Food Stores, Grocers, Chemists, etc.; or 1/-or 2/6 tin (containing 4 lbs. of Food) carriage paid from—­

210 Cambridge Road, LONDON, E.



Mankind is eternally searching for the best form of food.  The rational man wants something that will satisfy the cravings of hunger, be tasty, nourish every organ and tissue of the body, and not be too bulky.  We have many foods that will fulfil one or two of these conditions, but it is rare to find all combined in one, as in “Power.”  Power is pleasant to the taste—­nutritious and most sustaining.  It contains everything necessary for supporting the human frame.  It combines proteid elements for building up the muscles; hydro-carbons and carbo-hydrates for heating the body and suppyling the requisite energy for work; mineral matters for bone and teeth; and lastly, a certain amount of “filling” material to occupy the stomach and bowels, cause daily laxation, and so carry away the bile and various other digestive juices, the retention of which means disease.

Project Gutenberg
The Allinson Vegetarian Cookery Book from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.