The Death of Balder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about The Death of Balder.

The Death of Balder eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 71 pages of information about The Death of Balder.

[She retains the spear in her hand, and all three march round the caldron.

All three.  In juice of rue,
And trefoil too;
In marrow of bear
And blood of Trold,
Be cool’d the spear,
Three times cool’d,
When not from blazes
Which Nastroud raises
For Valhall’s May.

Rota (she dips it in, and then immediately gives it to the first Valkyrie, who does the same, and then hands it to the second, likewise dips it in the caldron; meanwhile they sing:)

The first. Whom it woundeth
It shall slay.

The second.  Whom it woundeth
It shall slay.

All three.  Whom it woundeth
It shall slay.

[Rota takes the spear.  The Valkyrier and the cavern disappear.  The scene appears the same as in the first of this act.  The tempest still continues to rage.

Hother.  Evanished! sunken! sorcery surroundeth
My every step, and ties the arm of Hother. 
Fool that I am! the moon will soon break over
Gevar’s high rocks; and I, by Hothbrod’s ashes,
Like one who fearfully will prolong existence,
I’m paying heed to phantoms.  Vanfred!  Vanfred! 
Fiend, who didst vow me friendship I detested! 
Say, where is now the spear which kills for certain?

Loke.  Thou saw’st it.

Hother.  Ha!  I saw!  I saw!  Where is it?

Loke.  Do I not know that Odin’s maids prepar’d it
Only for thee, that fate will only suffer
Thine arm in Balder’s heart to thrust it?

Hother.  Lately
Thou saidst, think’st thou they wish the death of Balder? 
But now against him they the weapon harden;
Now Valhall’s maidens hate the noble half-god. 
Hence with thy contradictions, false deceiver!

Loke.  I have already said that I seduced them;
My subtlety, not they, the spear has harden’d.

Hother.  Good now! thy subtlety! how nobly Hother
Passes the night!  Proceed with thy narration.

Loke.  Then hear.  Thou dost remember Rota’s present. 
The spear which set the haughty half-god kneeling,
That shiver’d I, and brought it unto Rota. 
I borrowed Tyr’s, the Asa’s dress and figure. 
“Behold,” I cried, “thy spear, thou crafty Rota! 
Late at a Jotun’s foot I found it lying,
Sent from the Leir-King’s hand; it still was buzzing,
For strong is Hother’s arm; I knew the weapon,
And I, who trusted in thy art, I shouted. 
Now ill it stands with yonder mountain Jotun;
But loud he laugh’d, and straight the lance upsnatching,
He shiver’d it, and here, O crafty Rota! 
Here bring I back to thee the precious fragments!”
With joy I saw her eyes with fury flashing,
She swore by Odin’s arm, by all the powers,
And by the highest Godhead—­by Allfather,
Restless to search till she a spear discover’d

Project Gutenberg
The Death of Balder from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.