The Great Taboo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about The Great Taboo.

The Great Taboo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 280 pages of information about The Great Taboo.

“Oh, dear, yes,” Felix replied, holding his hand out as he spoke to catch his companion’s arm gently, and steady her against the wave that was just going to strike the stern:  “Excuse me; just so; the sea’s rising fast, isn’t it?—­Oh, dear, yes; of course they are; they’re all heathen and cannibals.  You couldn’t imagine to yourself the horrible bloodthirsty rites that may this very minute be taking place upon that idyllic-looking island, under the soft waving branches of those whispering palm-trees.  Why, I knew a man in the Marquesas myself—­a hideous old native, as ugly as you can fancy him—­who was supposed to be a god, an incarnate god, and was worshipped accordingly with profound devotion by all the other islanders.  You can’t picture to yourself how awful their worship was.  I daren’t even repeat it to you; it was too, too horrible.  He lived in a hut by himself among the deepest forest, and human victims used to be brought—­well, there, it’s too loathsome!  Why, see; there’s a great light on the island now; a big bonfire or something; don’t you make it out?  You can tell it by the red glare in the sky overhead.”  He paused a moment; then he added more slowly, “I shouldn’t be surprised if at this very moment, while we’re standing here in such perfect security on the deck of a Christian English vessel, some unspeakable and unthinkable heathen orgy mayn’t be going on over there beside that sacrificial fire; and if some poor trembling native girl isn’t being led just now, with blows and curses and awful savage ceremonies, her hands bound behind her back—­Oh, look out, Miss Ellis!”

He was only just in time to utter the warning words.  He was only just in time to put one hand on each side of her slender waist, and hold her tight so, when the big wave which he saw coming struck full tilt against the vessel’s flank, and broke in one white drenching sheet of foam against her stern and quarter-deck.

The suddenness of the assault took Felix’s breath away.  For the first few seconds he was only aware that a heavy sea had been shipped, and had wet him through and through with its unexpected deluge.  A moment later, he was dimly conscious that his companion had slipped from his grasp, and was nowhere visible.  The violence of the shock, and the slimy nature of the sea water, had made him relax his hold without knowing it, in the tumult of the moment, and had at the same time caused Muriel to glide imperceptibly through his fingers, as he had often known an ill-caught cricket-ball do in his school-days.  Then he saw he was on his hands and knees on the deck.  The wave had knocked him down, and dashed him against the bulwark on the leeward side.  As he picked himself up, wet, bruised, and shaken, he looked about for Muriel.  A terrible dread seized upon his soul at once.  Impossible!  Impossible! she couldn’t have been washed overboard!

And even as he gazed about, and held his bruised elbow in his hand, and wondered to himself what it could all mean, that sudden loud cry arose beside him from the quarter-deck, “Man overboard!  Man overboard!” followed a moment later by the answering cry, from the men who were smoking under the lee of the companion, “A lady! a lady!  It’s Miss Ellis!  Miss Ellis!”

Project Gutenberg
The Great Taboo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.