A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 13 pages of information about A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo.

A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 13 pages of information about A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo.

The building to the right of the spectator is the modern Palace, that on the left the ancient Dandolo Palace—­each splendid in its own style—­and the one in the distance is the famous Palace of the Doges.

To describe the interior of these two handsome edifices is very difficult, but the accompanying engraving, which represents the Atrium of the Palazzo Dandolo, with its magnificent ducal staircase, will give some idea of their beauty.  Around this Atrium are a number of fine halls and offices, with the water-gate opening on to a side canal with a marble landing-stage for the gondolas.  Near to the water-gate is the Railway Office (a convenience possessed by no other hotel in Venice), where tickets can be taken and luggage be registered without any trouble to the traveler.  Next this is the luggage office.

Opposite the land entrance is the Porter’s Lodge, where one or more porters are always to be found at the disposition of travelers.  On the left hand is a Post Office with, for the greater security of all correspondence, a Government letter-box; and close by, the Bureau of the Hotel, with offices for the cashier, for money changing, and for Bank business.

Opposite the grand stairs is a luxurious Smoking Room, its walls hung with rich material, and furnished in Oriental comfort and style, with an American Bar leading out of it.  Next it, are two spacious Reading and Writing Rooms, containing the principal newspapers and illustrated publications of the world.

[Illustration:  READING ROOM]

On the right hand of the main door is a large Public Drawing Room, style of 1700, with handsome stucco-work, and gilt furniture covered with rich stuffs, with the hangings and wall-coverings all en suite.  This room alone would repay a visit to the hotel.  Some idea can be formed of it from the following engravings, though, of course, the full effect of its richness and color is lost.  In the two palaces there are a number of other such drawing-rooms, besides a concert hall, ballroom, music room and billiard room, &c.  There are also bath rooms and douche baths on every floor.  On the ground floor are the kitchens, the wine cellars, the ice cellars, the apparatus for heating the whole buildings by steam, thus spreading a uniform temperature throughout the two Palaces.  Here is also the machinery for the lifts, the centre for the distribution of the electric light and the boilers and syphons for giving hot water direct into all the apartments.  All this deserves being examined from the novelty of the systems employed and from the exquisite order and tidiness which everywhere reigns.

We will not describe the bedrooms and sitting rooms, except to say that they have all been recently done up and richly furnished with the utmost artistic taste and are all lit with electricity.  Many of the apartments have been preserved in the original style, especially the Saloon of the Doges, No. 9, which with the adjoining rooms, Nos. 10, 11 and 12, all of which overlook the Riva degli Schiavoni and the magnificent panorama already described.

Project Gutenberg
A Summary History of the Palazzo Dandolo from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.