La Boheme eBook

Luigi Illica
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about La Boheme.

La Boheme eBook

Luigi Illica
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 51 pages of information about La Boheme.

RUD.  Brilliantly lightens the room into splendor.

MAR.  Here are the candles.

COL.  What lovely pastry!

SCH.  Then on the servant girl
Try all the charms wherewith I’m laden;
I fascinate the maiden.

MAR.  With no tablecloth eat we—­

RUD. (taking a paper from his pocket) An idea!

COL. and MAR.  The Constitutional.

RUD. (unfolding the paper)
Excellent paper! 
One eats a meal and swallows news at the same time!

SCH.  With parsley I approach the bird,
His beak Lorito opens;
Lorito’s wings outspread,
Lorito opens his beak,
A little piece of parsley gulps—­
As Socrates, is dead!

(SCHAUNARD, seeing that no one is paying any attention to him, seizes
COLLINE as he passes with a plate.)

COL.  Who?

SCH. (pettishly) The devil fly away with you entirely!

(seeing the rest in the act of eating the cold pastry)

What are you doing?

(With solemn gesture, extending his hand over the pastry)

No! dainties of this kind
Are but the stored-up fodder
Saved for the morrow,
Fraught with gloom and sorrow, (clearing the table)
To dine at home on the day of Christmas vigil,
While the Quartier Latin embellishes
Its ways with dainty food and tempting relishes. 
Meanwhile the smell of savory fritters
The old street fills with fragrant odor. 
There singing joyously, merry maidens hover,
Having for echo each a student lover.

(RUDOLPH locks the door; then all go to the table and pour out wine.)

RUD., MAR. and COL.  ’Tis the gladsome Christmas Eve.

SCH.  A little of religion, comrades, I pray;
Within doors drink we, but we dine away.

(Two knocks are heard at the door.)

BEN. (from without) ’Tis I.

MAR.  Who is there?

BEN.  ’Tis Benoit.

MAR.  ’Tis the landlord is knocking!

SCH.  Bolt the door quickly!

COL. (calling towards the door) No!  There is no one!

SCH.  ’Tis fastened!

BEN.  Give me a word, pray!

SCH. (opening the door, after consulting with his friends) At once.

BEN. (entering smilingly, showing a paper to MARCEL) The rent!

MAR. (with great cordiality) Hallo! give him a seat, friends!

BEN.  Do not trouble, I beg you.

SCH. (with gentle firmness, obliging BENOIT to sit down) Sit down!

MAR. (offering BENOIT a glass of wine) Some Bordeaux?

RUD.  Your health!

BEN.  Thank you.

COL.  Your health!

SCH.  Drink up!

RUD.  Good health! (all drink)

BEN. (to MARCEL, putting down his glass and showing his paper.)
’Tis the quarter’s rent I call for.

MAR. (ingenuously) Glad to hear it.

BEN.  And therefore—­

SCH. (interrupting) Another tipple? (fills up the glasses)

Project Gutenberg
La Boheme from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.