Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 373 pages of information about Slave Narratives.

“Yes’m, I do my own cooking, and I’ve put up some fruit.  I have a little mite of meat, a little mite of taters, a little mite of beans and peas.  I get a little pension too.”

“These darkies today nearly all get wild.  You can’t tell What they are going to do tomorrow.  They’s jes like everybody—­some awful good and some awful bad.”

And in the tiny one room shack, of logs and tin, no window, a swing door held by a leather strap, “Gate-eye” does his cooking on a small wood stove.  A long bench holds a lantern with a shingly clean globe, a lot of canned fruit, dried beans and peas.  The bed is a series of old bed springs.  But “Gate-eye” just belongs to the neighborhood, and every one feels kindly toward him.  He says he is seventy-one years, past.

Interviewer:  Miss Irene Robertson
Person Interviewed:  Ellen Fitzgerald
                    Brinkley, Ark. 
Age:  74

“Mama was named Anna Noles.  Papa named Milias Noles.  She belong to the Whitakers and he belong to Gibbs.  Noles bought them both.  They was both sold.  Mother was born in Athens, papa somewhere in Kentucky.  Their owners, the Noles, come to Aberdeen, Mississippi.

“Grandma, papa’s mama, was killed with a battling stick.  She was a slender woman, very tall and pretty, papa told me.  She was at the spring, washing.  They cut a tree off and make a smooth stump.  They used a big tree stump for battling.  They had paddles, wide as this (two hands wide—­eight or ten inches) with rounded-off handle, smoothed so slick.  They wet and soap the clothes, put em on that block-tree stump and beat em.  Rub boards was not heard of in them days.  They soaked the clothes, boiled and rinsed a heap.  They done good washing.  I heard em say the clothes come white as snow from the lye soap they used.  They made the soap.  They had hard soap and soft soap, made from ashes dripped and meat skins.  They used tallow and mutton suet too.  I don’t know what was said, but I recken she didn’t please her mistress—­Mrs. Callie Gibbs.  She struck her in the small part of her back and broke it.  She left her at the spring.  Somebody went to get water and seen her there.  They took her to the house but she finally died.  Grandpa was dead then.  I recken they got scared to keep papa round then and sold him.

“I was born first year of the surrender.  Moster Noles told them they was free.  They didn’t give them a thing.  They was glad they was free.  They didn’t want to be in slavery; it was too tied down to suit em.  They lived about places, do little work where they found it.

“We dodged the Ku Klux.  One night they was huntin’ a man and come to the wrong house.  They nearly broke mama’s arm pullin’ her outen our house.  They give us some trouble coming round.  We was scared of em.  We dodged em all the time.

“I was married and had a child eight years old fore I come to Arkansas.  I come to Brinkley first.  I was writing to friends.  They had immigrated, so we immigrated here and been here ever since.  When I come here there was two big stores and a little one.  A big sawmill—­nothing but woods and wild animals.  It wasn’t no hard times then.  We had a plenty to live on.

Project Gutenberg
Slave Narratives: A Folk History of Slavery in the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.