A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga.

A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 274 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga.

If one lives on the plane of the race-thought, he is subject to its laws, for the law of cause and effect is in full operation on each plane of life.  But when one raises himself above the race-thought, and on to the plane of the Recognition of the Real Self—­The “I”—­then does he extricate himself from the lower laws of cause and effect, and places himself on a higher plane of causation, in which he plays a much higher part.  And so we are constantly reminding you that your tower of strength and refuge lies on the higher plane.  But, nevertheless, we must deal with the things and laws of the lower plane, because very few who read these lessons are able to rest entirely upon the higher plane.  The great majority of them have done no more than to lift themselves partially on to the higher plane, and they are consequently living on both planes, partly in each, the consequence being that there is a struggle between the conflicting laws of the two planes.  The present stage is one of the hardest on the Path of Attainment, and resembles the birth-pains of the physical body.  But you are being born into a higher plane, and the pain after becoming the most acute will begin to ease, and in the end will disappear, and then will come peace and calm.  When the pain becomes the most acute, then be cheered with the certainty that you have reached the crisis of your new spiritual birth, and that you will soon gain peace.  And then you will see that the peace and bliss will be worth all the pain and struggle.  Be brave, fellow followers of The Path—­Deliverance is nigh.  Soon will come the Silence that follows the Storm.  The pain that you are experiencing—­ah, well do we know that you are experiencing the pain—­is not punishment, but is a necessary part of your growth.  All Life follows this plan—­the pains of labor and birth ever precede the Deliverance.  Such is Life—­and Life is based upon Truth—­and all is well with the world.  We did not intend to speak of these things in this lesson, but as we write there comes to us a great cry for help and a word of encouragement and hope, from the Class which is taking this course of lessons, and we feel bound to respond as we have done.  Peace be with you—­one and all.

And, now we will begin our consideration of the laws governing what we have called “Sub-conscious Influence.”

All students of the Occult are aware of the fact that men may be, and are, largely influenced by the thoughts of others.  Not only is this the case in instances where thoughts are directed from the mind of one person to the mind of another, but also when there is no special direction or intention in the thought sent forth.  The vibrations of thoughts linger in the astral atmosphere long after the effort that sent forth the thought has passed.  The astral atmosphere is charged with the vibrations of thinkers of many years past, and still possesses sufficient vitality to affect those whose minds are ready to receive them at this time.  And we all attract to us thought vibrations corresponding in nature with those which we are in the habit of entertaining.  The Law of Attraction is in full operation, and one who makes a study of the subject may see instances of it on all sides.

Project Gutenberg
A Series of Lessons in Raja Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.