Nonsense Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Nonsense Books.

Nonsense Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Nonsense Books.

Do his people prig in the lanes or park? 
Or even at times, when days are dark, GAROTTE? 
O the Akond of Swat!

Does he study the wants of his own dominion? 
Or doesn’t he care for public opinion a JOT,
The Akond of Swat?

To amuse his mind do his people show him
Pictures, or any one’s last new poem, or WHAT,
For the Akond of Swat?

At night if he suddenly screams and wakes,
Do they bring him only a few small cakes, or a LOT,
For the Akond of Swat?

Does he live on turnips, tea, or tripe? 
Does he like his shawl to be marked with a stripe, or a DOT,
The Akond of Swat?

Does he like to lie on his back in a boat
Like the lady who lived in that isle remote, SHALLOTT,
The Akond of Swat?

Is he quiet, or always making a fuss? 
Is his steward a Swiss or a Swede or a Russ, or a SCOT,
The Akond of Swat?

    Does he like to sit by the calm blue wave? 
    Or to sleep and snore in a dark green cave, or a GROTT,
                                                       The Akond of Swat?

    Does he drink small beer from a silver jug? 
    Or a bowl? or a glass? or a cup? or a mug? or a POT,
                                                       The Akond of Swat?

    Does he beat his wife with a gold-topped pipe,
    When she lets the gooseberries grow too ripe, or ROT,
                                                       The Akond of Swat?

    Does he wear a white tie when he dines with friends,
    And tie it neat in a bow with ends, or a KNOT,
                                                       The Akond of Swat?

Does he like new cream, and hate mince-pies? 
When he looks at the sun does he wink his eyes, or NOT,
The Akond of Swat?

Does he teach his subjects to roast and bake? 
Does he sail about on an inland lake, in a YACHT,
The Akond of Swat?

Some one, or nobody, knows I wot
Who or which or why or what
Is the Akond of Swat!

NOTE.—­For the existence of this potentate see Indian newspapers, passim.  The proper way to read the verses is to make an immense emphasis on the monosyllabic rhymes, which indeed ought to be shouted out by a chorus.

* * * * *


[Illustration:  Armchairia Comfortabilis.]

[Illustration:  Bassia Palealensis.]

[Illustration:  Bubblia Blowpipia.]

[Illustration:  Bluebottlia Buzztilentia.]

[Illustration:  Crabbia Horrida.]

[Illustration:  Smalltoothcombia Domestica.]

[Illustration:  Knutmigrata Simplice.]

Project Gutenberg
Nonsense Books from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.