The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916.

The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 615 pages of information about The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916.

Very sincerely yours,

A. C. Mclaughlin,
Head of the Department of American History,
The University of Chicago

My dear Dr. Woodson:

Thank you for sending me the JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY, which I have examined with interest and which I am calling to the attention of the Harvard Library.  You have struck a good field of work, and I am sure you can achieve genuine results in it.

Sincerely yours,

Charles H. Haskins,
Dean of the Harvard Graduate School

My dear Dr. Woodson:

Please accept my thanks for an initial copy of THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY which you were kind enough to send me.  I am delighted with it.  Its mechanical makeup leaves nothing to be desired and its contents possess a permanent value.  It should challenge the support of all forward-looking men of the race and command the respect of the thinking men of the entire country regardless of creed or color.  I wish you the fullest measure of success in this unique undertaking.

Your friend,

J.w.  Scott,
Principal of the Douglass High School,
Huntington, W. Va.

My dear Mr. Woodson:

I wish to acknowledge the receipt of the first number of THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY.  I have read it with much interest and congratulate you, as the editor, upon your achievement.  The more I think of the matter, the more do I believe there is a place for such a publication.  The history of the Negro in Africa, in the West Indies, in Spanish America, and in the United States offers a large field in which little appears to have been done.

Very truly yours,

A. H. Buffinton,
Instructor in History, Williams College

My dear Sir:

A copy of THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY was received yesterday and I wish to thank you and the gentlemen associated with you for this magnificent effort.  There is “class” to this magazine, more “class” than I have seen in any of our race journals.  May I say, notwithstanding the fact that I edited a race magazine once myself, the whole magazine is clean and high and deserves a place in our homes and college libraries alongside with the great periodicals of the land.

Yours very truly,

J. Max Barber

Dear Sirs:

Please find enclosed my subscription of one dollar in cash to THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY, and permit me to congratulate you on your first publication.

Very truly yours,

Oswald Garrison Villard

Dear Sir:

The first number of your magazine reached me a few days ago.  It is a fine publication, doing credit to its editor and to the association.  I think it has a fine field.

Sincerely yours,

T. G. Steward,
Captain, U. S. Army, Retired

Dear Dr. Woodson:

I have the first number of THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY.  Permit me to congratulate you and to earnestly hope that it may live long and prosper.  It is excellent in purpose, matter and method.  If the present high standard is maintained, you and your friends will not only make a most valuable contribution to a dire need of the Negro, but you will add in a substantial measure to current historical data.

Project Gutenberg
The Journal of Negro History, Volume 1, January 1916 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.