Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 479 pages of information about Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1.

Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 479 pages of information about Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1.

    “He sayde, a woman cast hir shame away,
    When she cast of hir smok.”

I need not point out that the analysis of modesty offered above robs this venerable saying of any sting it may have possessed as a slur upon women.  In such a case, modesty is largely a doubt as to the spectator’s attitude, and necessarily disappears when that doubt is satisfactorily resolved.  As we have seen, the Central Australian maidens were very modest with regard to the removal of their single garment, but when that removal was accomplished and accepted, they were fearless.

[34] The same result occurs more markedly under the deadening influence of insanity.  Grimaldi (Il Manicomio Moderno, 1888) found that modesty is lacking in 50 per cent, of the insane.

[35] For some facts bearing on this point, see Houssay, Industries of Animals, Chapter VII.  “The Defence and Sanitation of Dwellings;” also P. Ballion, De l’Instinct de Proprete chez les Animaux.

[36] Thus, Stevens mentions (Zeitschrift fuer Ethnologie, p. 182, 1897) that the Dyaks of Malacca always wash the sexual organs, even after urination, and are careful to use the left hand in doing so.  The left hand is also reserved for such uses among the Jekris of the Niger coast (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, p. 122, 1898).

[37] Lombroso and Ferrero—­who adopt the derivation of pudor from putere; i.e., from the repugnance caused by the decomposition of the vaginal secretions—­consider that the fear of causing disgust to men is the sole origin of modesty among savage women, as also it remains the sole form of modesty among some prostitutes to-day. (La Donna Delinquente, p. 540.) Important as this factor is in the constitution of the emotion of modesty, I need scarcely add that I regard so exclusive a theory as altogether untenable.

[38] Das Weib, Ch.  VI.

[39] For references as to a similar feeling among other savages, see Westermarck, History of Human Marriage, p. 152.

[40] See e.g., Bourke, Scatologic Rites, pp. 141, 145, etc.

[41] Crawley, op. cit., Ch.  VII.

[42] S, Reinach, Cultes, Mythes et Religions, p. 172.

[43] Tertullian, De Virginibus Velandis, cap. 17.  Hottentot women, also (Fritsch, Eingeborene Suedafrika’s, p. 311), cover their head with a cloth, and will not be persuaded to remove it.

[44] Wellhausen, Reste Arabischen Heidentums, p. 196.  The same custom is found among Tuareg men though it is not imperative for the women (Duveyrier, Les Touaregs du Nord, p. 291).

[45] Quoted in Zentralblatt fuer Anthropologie, 1906, Heft I, p. 21.

[46] Or rather, perhaps, because the sight of their nakedness might lead the angels into sin.  See W.G.  Sumner, Folkways, p. 431.

[47] In Moruland, Emin Bey remarked that women are mostly naked, but some wear a girdle, with a few leaves hanging behind.  The women of some negro tribes, who thus cover themselves behind, if deprived of this sole covering, immediately throw themselves on the ground on their backs, in order to hide their nakedness.

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Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.