Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 501 pages of information about Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit.

Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 501 pages of information about Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit.

It is a great convenience, also economical, to keep a good salad dressing on hand, and when the white of an egg is used, the yolk remaining may he added at once to the salad dressing (previously prepared).  Mix thoroughly, cook a minute and stand away in a cool place.  Young housekeepers will be surprised at the many vegetables, frequently left-overs, from which appetizing salads may be made by the addition of a couple tablespoonfuls of mayonnaise, besides nut meats, lettuce, watercress, celery and fruit, all of which may be used to advantage.  A good potato salad is one of the cheapest and most easily prepared salads.  A German dressing for dandelions, lettuce or potatoes may be prepared in a few minutes by adding a couple of tablespoonfuls of salad dressing (which the forehanded housewife will always keep on hand) to a little hot ham or bacon gravy.  Stirring it while hot over the salad and serving at once.

A cup of mashed potatoes, left over from dinner, covered and set aside in a cool place, may be used the next day, with either milk or potato water, to set a sponge for “Dutch Cake,” or cinnamon buns with equally good results as if they had been freshly boiled (if the potatoes be heated luke-warm and mashed through a sieve); besides the various other ways in which cold boiled potatoes may be used.

Fruit juices or a couple tablespoonfuls of tart jelly or preserved fruit may be added to mincemeat with advantage.  Housewives should make an effort to give their family good, plain, nourishing, wholesome food.  The health of the family depends so largely on the quality of food consumed.  When not having time, strength or inclination to bake cake, pies or puddings, have instead good, sweet, home-made bread and fruit; if nothing else, serve stewed fruit or apple sauce.  Omit meat occasionally from the bill of fare and serve instead a dish of macaroni and cheese and fruit instead of other dessert.  Serve a large, rich, creamy rice pudding for the children’s lunch.  When eggs are cheap and plentiful make simple custards, old-fashioned cornmeal puddings, tapioca, bread puddings and gelatine with fruits.  These are all good, wholesome, and not expensive, and in Summer may be prepared in the cool of the early morning with small outlay of time, labor or money.  Plan your housework well the day before and have everything in readiness.  The pudding may be placed in the oven and baked white preparing breakfast, economizing coal and the time required for other household duties.

Every wife and mother who does her own housework and cooking these days (and their number is legion) knows the satisfaction one experiences, especially in hot weather, in having dinner and luncheon planned and partly prepared early in the morning before leaving the kitchen to perform other household tasks.

Project Gutenberg
Mary at the Farm and Book of Recipes Compiled during Her Visit from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.