The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1.

The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 267 pages of information about The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1.

In an hour or two the chap on watch began to yawn, then to nod.  Pretty soon he stretched himself on the floor, facing us, pistol in hand.  For a while he supported himself on his elbow, then laid his head on his arm, blinking like an owl.  I performed an occasional snore, watching him narrowly between my eyelashes from the shadow of my arm.  The inevitable occurred—­he slept audibly.

A half-hour later I rose quietly to my feet, particularly careful not to disturb the blackguard at my side, and moved as silently as possible to the door.  Despite my care the latch clicked.  The old lady sat bolt upright in bed and stared at me.  She was too late.  I sprang through the door and struck out for the nearest point of woods, in a direction previously selected, vaulting fences like an accomplished gymnast and followed by a multitude of dogs.  It is said that the State of Alabama has more dogs than school-children, and that they cost more for their keep.  The estimate of cost is probably too high.

Looking backward as I ran, I saw and heard the place in a turmoil and uproar; and to my joy the old man, evidently oblivious to the facts of the situation, was lifting up his voice and calling his dogs.  They were good dogs:  they went back; otherwise the malicious old rascal would have had my skeleton.  Again the traditional bloodhound did not materialize.  Other pursuit there was no reason to fear; my foreign gentleman would occupy the attention of one of the soldiers, and in the darkness of the forest I could easily elude the other, or, if need be, get him at a disadvantage.  In point of fact there was no pursuit.

I now took my course by the north star (which I can never sufficiently bless), avoiding all roads and open places about houses, laboriously boring my way through forests, driving myself like a wedge into brush and bramble, swimming every stream I came to (some of them more than once, probably), and pulling myself out of the water by boughs and briars—­whatever could be grasped.  Let any one try to go a little way across even the most familiar country on a moonless night, and he will have an experience to remember.  By dawn I had probably not made three miles.  My clothing and skin were alike in rags.

During the day I was compelled to make wide detours to avoid even the fields, unless they were of corn; but in other respects the going was distinctly better.  A light breakfast of raw sweet potatoes and persimmons cheered the inner man; a good part of the outer was decorating the several thorns, boughs and sharp rocks along my sylvan wake.

Late in the afternoon I found the river, at what point it was impossible to say.  After a half-hour’s rest, concluding with a fervent prayer that I might go to the bottom, I swam across.  Creeping up the bank and holding my course still northward through a dense undergrowth, I suddenly reeled into a dusty highway and saw a more heavenly vision than ever the eyes of a dying saint were blessed withal—­two patriots in blue carrying a stolen pig slung upon a pole!

Project Gutenberg
The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.