The American Frugal Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about The American Frugal Housewife.

The American Frugal Housewife eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 162 pages of information about The American Frugal Housewife.
  Chicken fricasseed, 54
  Chicken Pie, 56
  Chilblains, 27
  Chocolate, 83
  Cholera Morbus, 25, 29
  Chopped Hands, 27
  Chowder, 59
  Cider Cake, 71
  Clams, 58
  Clothes Line, &c., 17
  Clothes washed, 17
  Cockroaches, 19
  Cod, 57
  Coffee, 82
  Colds, 27, 36
  Coloring, 38 to 40
  Combs, 9, 20
  Cooling Ointments, 29, 26
  Corn, 34
  Coughs, 36, 37
  Court Plaster, 20
  Cranberry Pie, 68
  Cranberry Pudding, 61
  Croup, or Quincy, 24
  Cucumbers, 18
  Cucumbers, pickled, 85
  Cup Cake, 71
  Currant Jelly, 81
  Currant-leaf Tea, 13
  Currant Wine, 82
  Curry Fowl, 54
  Custards, cheap, 65
  Custard Pie, 68
  Custard Pudding, 62
  Cut Wounds, 25

  Dandelions, 34
  Diet Bread, 71
  Dish-water, 16
  Dough Nuts, 73
  Ducks, 55
  Dye Stuffs, 38 to 40
  Dysentery, 25, 29, 37
  Dyspepsia, 24, 37, 65
  Dyspepsia Bread, 78

  Ear-ache, 24
  Earthen Ware, 11
  Education of Daughters, 91
  Eggs, 11
  Egg Gruel, 31
  Election Cake, 71
  Elixir Proprietatis, 28

  Faded Carpets, Cloth, &c., 9
  Feathers, and Feather Beds, 12
  Fevers, 28, 37
  Fish, fried, 58
  Fish, salt, 59, 60
  Flour Pudding, 61
  Fresh Meat in Summer, 17, 47
  Fresh Wounds, 27
  Fried Pork and Apples, 60
  Fritters, or Flatjacks, 74
  Furniture, 89

  Geese, 55
  Gingerbread, 70
  Ginger Beer, 86
  Glass, cut, 20
  Glass Stoppers, 20
  Gloves, white, 10, 13
  Gold cleansed, 21
  Gravy for Fish, 58
  Gravy for Meat, 52
  Gravy for Poultry, 57
  Green Peas, 34
  Gruel, 30

  Haddock, 57, 58
  Hair, 12
  Hams, cured, 41, 42
  Hasty Pudding, 65
  Head-ache, 26, 36
  Hearths, 18
  Herbs, 36 to 37
  Honey, 22
  Horseradish, 18
  Horseradish Leaves, 18
  How to endure Poverty, 111

  Icing for Cake, 72
  Indian Cakes, 75, 76
  Indian Puddings, 61
  Inflamed Wounds, 29
  Inflammation, 24
  Iron, 11
  Ironing, 17

  Jaundice, 28

  Knife Handles, 9
  Knives, washed, 14

  Lamb, cooked, 49
  Lard, 14, 15
  Leaven, 80
  Lemon Brandy, 18
  Lemon Syrup, 20
  Lettuce, 35
  Loaf Cake, 72
  Lobster, 60
  Lockjaw, 24

  Mackerel, 53, 59, 60
  Mangoes, 84
  Marble Fireplaces, 12
  Martinoes, 85
  Mats for the Table, 10
  Mattresses, 15
  Maxims for Health, 87 to 88
  Meal, 9
  Meat, Choice of, 43 to 46
  Meat, corned and salted, 40 to 43
  Meat Pie, 56
  Meat in Summer, 17, 47
  Milk Porridge, 32
  Mince Meat, 50
  Mince Pies, 66
  Molasses, 16, 29
  Mortification, 27
  Moths, 13
  Mutton, corned and dried, 41
  Mutton and Lamb, cooked, 49

Project Gutenberg
The American Frugal Housewife from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.