A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga.

A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga eBook

Yogi Ramacharaka
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga.
the sacred Truth that rests there?  Have you ever attempted to impart the highest teachings known to you, to persons who had not attained sufficient spiritual development to even understand the meaning of your words?  Have you ever committed the folly of throwing spiritual pearls to material swine?  If you have had these experiences, you may begin to faintly imagine the reasons of these illumined souls for keeping away from the crowd—­for dwelling away from the multitude.  No one who has not suffered the pain of having the vulgar crowd revile the highest spiritual truths to him, can begin to understand the feelings of the spiritually illumined individuals.  It is not that they feel that they are better or more exalted than the humblest man—­for these feelings of the personality have long since left them.  It is because they see the folly of attempting to present the highest truths to a public which is not prepared to understand even the elementary teachings.  It is a feeling akin to that of the master of the highest musical conceptions attempting to produce his wonderful compositions before a crowd fit only for the “rag-time” and slangy songs of the day.

Then again, these Masters have no desire to “work miracles” which would only cause the public to become still more superstitious than they now are.  When one glances back over the field of religions, and sees how the miraculous acts of some of the great leaders have been prostituted and used as a foundation for the grossest credulity and basest superstition, he may understand the wisdom of the masters in this respect.  There is another reason for the non-appearance of the Masters, and that is that there is no occasion for it.  The laws of Spiritual Evolution are as regular, constant and fixed as are the laws of Physical Evolution, and any attempt to unduly force matters only results in confusion, and the abortive results soon fade away.  The world is not ready for the appearance of the Masters.  Their appearance at this time would not be in accordance with The Plan.

The Masters or Adepts are human beings who have passed from lower to higher planes of consciousness, thus gaining wisdom, power and qualities that seem almost miraculous to the man of the ordinary consciousness.  A Hindu writer speaking of them has said:  “To him who hath traveled far along The Path, sorrow ceases to trouble; fetters cease to bind; obstacles cease to hinder.  Such an one is free.  For him there is no more fever or sorrow.  For him there are no more unconscious re-births.  His old Karma is exhausted, and he creates no new Karma.  His heart is freed from the desire for future life.  No new longings arise within his soul.  He is like a lamp which burneth from the oil of the Spirit, and not from the oil of the outer world.”  Lillie in his work on Buddhism, tells his readers:  “Six supernatural faculties were expected of the ascetic before he could claim the grade of Arhat.  They are constantly alluded to in the Sutras

Project Gutenberg
A Series of Lessons in Gnani Yoga from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.